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  1. JPConservative

    Kanye West Ends ‘S.N.L.’ With Speech About Trump and Bullying

    Do you think Kanya West will help increase the amount of Blacks who vote Republican or will most revoke his "Black Card"?
  2. JPConservative

    Prosecutor Who Questioned Ford Shreds Her Case In Five-Page Memo

    Yet 75% of the gullible Democratic base still believe Pr Ford. I went over the evidence with my girlfriend over the weekend and any conclusion other than she is lying isn't possible.
  3. JPConservative

    Democrat Admits: We’re Going to Pay for Kavanaugh Accusations in November

    I hope the Republicans give those sniffling hypocritical Democrats a good kicking in the Midterm elections.
  4. JPConservative

    She said: “She Has a Right to be Heard!” … But meant: “He must be destroyed!”

    The GOP needs to get a backbone, get Kavanagh confirmed and get their bais motivated to keep control of both houses in Congress.
  5. JPConservative

    Trump Slams China and Socialism at UN

    President Trump takes to the podium at the United Nations to denounce China, socialism, and the Communist Party's effects on world trade.
  6. JPConservative

    UK police too busy tracking online “hate offences” to deal with actual crime. By Pamela Geller - on October 1, 2018

    British authorities continue to act against the freedom of speech. The British Home Office banned me from the country for telling the truth about Islam and jihad. Now they’re going to go after “hate crime online,” while their country is crawling with jihadists and the crime rate is skyrocketing...
  7. JPConservative

    OOPS: Dianne Feinstein May Have Just Perjured Dr. Ford (Or Herself)

    Why is it either Ford or Feinstein lied? I call shenanigans on the pair of them and say that they are both lying. I agree with you Diane, I hope they do both go to prison along with all those other liars who perjured themselves under oath in their vindictive hatred of Kavanaugh. I hope...
  8. JPConservative

    Many women line up in support of Kavanaugh

    I hope those clearly false accusations bite the Democrats in the ass (if you pardon the pun) and that the Republicans keep control of both houses. I don't think the Left has ever managed to anger and insense me more than the appaling way they have treated Kavanaugh. It is obvious that those...
  9. JPConservative

    Warren: ‘I Will Take a Hard Look at Running for President’ After Midterms

    I think it would be hilarious if she ran. That way all Trump needs to do to win is to sit back and watch her make an utter fool of herself.
  10. JPConservative

    A Momma Cat and Her Yellow, Feathered Kittens

    It was adorable Diane. I learned something too. I didn't realize how fast Ducklings mature compared to Kittens. If I had been asked before I saw it, I would have assumed it was at the same rate.
  11. JPConservative

    Democrats Seek to Import 5X the Number of Foreign Refugees to the U.S. #midterms

    Party of treason. Europe is dying and the Dems are working on killing America by the same murderous policy. DEMOCRATS SEEK TO IMPORT 5X THE NUMBER OF FOREIGN REFUGEES TO THE U.S. HOUSE DEMOCRATS’ LATEST PLAN AHEAD OF THE 2018 MIDTERM ELECTIONS IS TO INCREASE THE NUMBER...
  12. JPConservative

    #BelieveAllWomen?! Juanita Broaddrick SLAMS Kavanaugh Accusers | Louder With Crowder

    The double standards of the Democrats and the MSM are sickening :sick: and angering :mad: Juanita is a credible woman who can say the exact time and place when Bill Clinton raped her. She has witnesses to back up her accusations. Yet the MSM and the #MeToo movement are not interested in her story.
  13. JPConservative

    Dr. Ford Caught in Another Lie? Says Her Friend Drove Her Home But She Wasn’t of Age to Drive and Broke the Law If She Did

    Then she has something in common with Hillary Clinton. They're both senile old bats that should be in a nursing home. By nursing home I mean prison... I recommend a daily pepper spray, I hear it's a good skin conditioner and they both need it, ugly old hags the pair of them :sick:
  14. JPConservative

    Islam's Dark History of Slavery (Whitewashed and Forgotten)

    If I was to post that Islam is eviler than the Nazis here in the UK on a social media site such as Facebook or Twitter I could literally be arrested and charged with a hate crime :mad:
  15. JPConservative

    A Momma Cat and Her Yellow, Feathered Kittens

    A couple is surprised to find that a cat on their family farm has adopted ducklings.
  16. JPConservative

    Islam's Dark History of Slavery (Whitewashed and Forgotten)

    Thank you, I'm very opposed to Islamisation of the West and get updates from Pamela Gellar. Islam is as evil as National Socialism or Communism and needs to be opposed with as much vigour. 270 Million people have been killed because of Islam, that's 100 Million more than the Nazis &...
  17. JPConservative

    Dr. Ford Caught in Another Lie? Says Her Friend Drove Her Home But She Wasn’t of Age to Drive and Broke the Law If She Did

    Diane, As far as I can tell Dr Ford is not telling the truth. The whole thing stinks of political manoeuvring and shenanigans. The Democrats are clearly desperate to block this honourable man from getting onto the SCOTUS. I know why too, their evil Roe vs Wade ruling could be overturned along...
  18. JPConservative

    This is the END, Hungarian FRIEND (George Soros VS Hungary)

    Diane, Don't forget I hate him for wrecking the British economy in the early 90'son Black Wednesday. As far as I'm concerned I wish there was a Hell for him to go to! My reaction when I here that Nazis Colaborating Son-of-a-****** dies...
  19. JPConservative

    Failed Former President Spouts Off Against Trump in Denmark – Rails Against Racial, Nationalistic Politics

    The people might hate him, but our Leftist media and politicians here in the EU seem to adore him.