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  1. JPConservative

    Feminist "grievance studies" blown apart by hoax research papers (LOL)

    Feminist "grievance studies" blown apart by hoax research papers Links to articles mentioned in the video: The Project - Google Drive Folder (papers, reviews etc) https://drive.google.com/drive/folder... Academics expose corruption in Grievance Studies...
  2. JPConservative

    Democrat Who Doxxed GOP Senators Threatened To Release Children’s Health Info

    Ridiculous, this young man is clearly a HERO and should be rewarded. I suggest he should be rewarded with an all expenses paid holiday for 20 years to one of Kim Jong-Un's world-renowned holiday camps. There he will be put on a diet that's guaranteed to cause weight loss, and they boast plenty...
  3. JPConservative

    CNN Does Not Have a Single Show In the Top 20 for Cable News

    CNN is tanking? My reaction:
  4. JPConservative

    Students Punished for Support of Tommy and UKIP

    Left-wing, Labour-voting teachers are persecuting "far right" students, in breach of UK law. It is time for Britain to privatize all schools and hospitals. Unison and the NUT are infested with Cultural Marxists who hate Capitalism, the British way of life, and actively work to...
  5. JPConservative

    How to Stop the Islamization of America? By Amil Imani - on October 6, 2018

    The more I read on Islam, the more concerned I have become of its threat to democracies everywhere. I truly understand how it is that the people in Islamic nations cannot question Islam for fear of death, but I cannot for the life of me see how an educated person can fall victim to this...
  6. JPConservative

    Kavanaugh confirmed 50-48

    Is this the image you wanted to post Sandra? Ah, I see what you might have done now. Did you copy and paste the image? If so, what you need to do is right click on the image you want to copy, then click open image in new tab, then copy the URL, come back here and click open the square box with...
  7. JPConservative

    Kavanaugh confirmed 50-48

    Our reaction :D(y)
  8. JPConservative

    Protestors or Puppets?

    Meet the puppet-master behind the Progressive Movement...
  9. JPConservative

    Poll: 69% of Millennials Can’t Define Socialism

    I recall seeing polls here in the UK that shows Generation Z (i.e.post-millennials) are almost as Conservative as the Silent Generation. Socialism is only popular amongst Millennials who are still in college, so we need not worry too much, as most of them as soon as they enter the real world of...
  10. JPConservative

    This Hydroponic Farm Is Run Entirely By Robots

    This system would render one of the justifications for mass immigration and the hiring of illegal immigrants on farms unwarranted.
  11. JPConservative

    African-American Support for Trump Surges to 35%

    If I am reading the data right, wouldn't such a large swing in the Black vote tip all of the Eastern States and Dixie (i.e. the former Confederate States) firmly into the Republican camp? If the Hispanic vote follows the same pattern, could California be flipped over to the Republicans too?
  12. JPConservative

    Kavanaugh Did Nothing Wrong

    "Sir, you are accused of being a gang rapist and a lecherous drunk." "That's ridiculous! How dare you! You have no evidence and these accusations have destroyed my family and reputation!" "That's exactly what a gang rapist and lecherous drunk would say."...
  13. JPConservative

    Kavanaugh Did Nothing Wrong

    With the FBI report complete, we still remain in a position where there is no evidence of any of the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, so we must presume he is not guilty.
  14. JPConservative

    Trump not Cowed by Two-Faced Democrats nor by Two-Faced Republicans

    It is time for the Rinos to get on the Trump Train or get out of the way!
  15. JPConservative

    Kavanaugh Drank Beer? He Can't Hold a Candle to Obama's Pot and Cocaine Use

    The absolute hypocrisy of those Democratic Senators who have the gall to criticise Judge Kavanaugh for a bit of excess drinking in his youth whilst knowing that Obama took illegal drugs regularly is astounding. My message to the Democratic Representatives...
  16. JPConservative

    Newt Gingrich: Destroying Kavanaugh and destroying America

    I hope enough Americans have the common sense to see through the lies and the craven desire for power that the Democrats have and vote Republican.
  17. JPConservative

    PSYCH OUT! Is Christine Ford a Doctor? — There Are NO RECORDS to Prove This in State of California Database

    She should be prosecuted to the maximum extent permitted under law and all the Go-Fund-Me money should be confiscated and donated to a worthy cause, I suggest research into a cure for the mental illness that causes people to believe in Socialism.