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  1. JPConservative

    Liberals Melt Down Over ‘Presidential Alert’ Test, Say It Triggered PTSD

    Here in the UK, we have regular fire drills and fire alarm tests, don't they have that in the US? Those pathetic whinners are beyond belief as if it wasn't obvious to every sane person that they are just hating on Trump.
  2. JPConservative

    The Debunkers Save Libertarianism

    I went back and rewatched the video above and realized the video they are debunking is made by Al Jazeera! A network that is funded by Qatar, a Theocratic Dictatorship! That's the same people who fund The Young Turks (A Progressive Propaganda Channel named after Muslim Fascists who committed...
  3. JPConservative

    Soros’ Women Ambushed Flake in the Elevator

    As my girlfriend pointed out the other day, I think I've made my feelings about George Soros clear. It's time for President Trump to arrest that TRAITOR and either hand him over to Russia or Hungary and confiscate his ill-gotten gains. President Trump can then use that money to compensate...
  4. JPConservative

    Toygers on the Prowl | Too Cute! Video

    Three week old Toyger kittens finally pluck up the courage to start exploring their surroundings, with some being braver than others.
  5. JPConservative

    Kavanaugh has been cleared! Fox & Friends 10/4/18

    Our reaction:
  6. JPConservative

    Left Goes Literally Crazy for Kavanaugh. Video by Bill Whittle

    Does the Kavanaugh confirmation circus go beyond politics or ideology into diagnosable mental illness among some on the Left? Have the judge and the accuser become icons of the nation's abiding divide? Bill Whittle poses the questions to Scott Ott and Stephen Green on this Right Angle.
  7. JPConservative

    Gender Confused Australian Wants You To Believe Liars... I mean Women

    Riley J Dennis wants to pretend false accusations don't happen. They Do. All we want is proof. Is that too much to ask? The listen and believe and believe survivors mentality is dangerous. so while Riley J Dennis wants you to believe women, I say we believe proof.
  8. JPConservative

    Dr Ford's Fatal Fixation

  9. JPConservative

    White South Africans Did Not Give Up their Weapons — Looming Racial War!

    I have sent this email to my local MP: As you may be aware the South African Government is attempting to amend the Constitution of the country to allow for the confiscation of Afrikaner farmland without compensation. Contrary to the lies of Black Nationalists the farmlands were bought by...
  10. JPConservative

    White South Africans Did Not Give Up their Weapons — Looming Racial War!

    I wish the UK and the EU would allow the right to return. White South Afrikaners are clearly being persecuted and at risk of Genocide. I applaud Australia for taking action to help Afrikaner. Another thing I wish the UK would do is a swap, those Blacks and other people of Colour who hate...
  11. JPConservative

    Senator Tim Kaine's Campaign of Lies

    Agreed, I think we may have been talking at cross purposes. For obvious reasons, when I read a text I tend to naturally put the emphasis where it would be natural to do so as British English speaker rather than as you may have intended as an American English writer. As for exposing them...
  12. JPConservative

    The Double Standards Of The Democrats: Tucker Carlson Tonight 10/1/18

    Diane has said the same. I too love Tucker, and I enjoy watching his show ;)
  13. JPConservative

    Senator Tim Kaine's Campaign of Lies

    Agreed, but I think you might have missed the point. The true purpose of Communism is the acquisition of absolute power via a Communist dictatorship that controls and owns everything in a country. Thus the answer to your question: We expose the true goal of all Socialists, be they...
  14. JPConservative

    Senator Tim Kaine's Campaign of Lies

    I am reminded of this quote when I see how Democrats act, to paraphrase what Jordan Peterson said: if you want to see what a person believes and wants, look at the outcome of their actions and not what they claim. “Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power...