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WATCH: Trump brutally shreds AOC's 'Green New Deal' at CPAC. Listen to the crowd's reaction.

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

In a speech at CPAC Saturday, President Donald Trump brutally mocked the "Green New Deal," urging Democrats to promote and continue supporting the massive socialist legislation.

What did Trump say?

"Our country is in big trouble, folks, because we have to get it back," Trump said. "And when I look at what is happening on the other side, I encourage it. I say, no, no, I think the New Green Deal, or whatever the hell they call it, the Green New Deal, the Green New Deal, I encourage it," Trump said.

"I think it's really something that they should promote, that they should work hard on. It's something our country needs desperately," Trump continued as the crowd laughed.

"They have to go out and get it, but I'll take the other side of that argument, only because I am mandated to. But they should stay with that argument and never change. No planes. No energy. When the wind stops blowing, that is the end of your electric," Trump went on to say.

By this point, the crowd had erupted in laughter.

"Darling, is the wind blowing today? I would like to watch television, darling," Trump said mockingly.

Watch Below:

According to NBC News, Trump's CPAC speech was the longest of his presidency. He spoke on a variety of issues, including special counsel Robert Muller's Russia investigation, his recent summit in Vietnam with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, and the Democrats running for president in 2020.

The post <a href=https://www.theblaze.com/news/trump-cpac-green-new-deal target=_blank >WATCH: Trump brutally shreds AOC's 'Green New Deal' at CPAC. Listen to the crowd's reaction.</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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