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21 Children Are Suing the U.S. Government Over Climate Change

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
To quote one federal judge, “This is no ordinary lawsuit.”

Juliana v. the United States was filed back in 2015 on behalf of a group of 21 kids who claimed the U.S. government was not doing what it could to help fix global warming.

These kids — you can watch their story in the video near the bottom of this article — claimed that climate change violated their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property. And they wanted to stop the government from using fossil fuels.

Nobody seemed to “take the lawsuit seriously,” as Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes” on CBS News reported recently — and some figured it was a good gesture and it would soon go away (it was born in Eugene, Oregon).

But it is back in 2019.

“Four years in, it is still very much alive, in part because the plaintiffs have amassed a body of evidence that will surprise even the skeptics and have forced the government to admit that the crisis is real,” as CBS News noted.

The suit alleges that the federal government has known for decades that carbon pollution destabilizes the climate in a way that puts future generations in “significant” danger but has taken no action to curb it. The plaintiffs, aged 9 to 20, argue that this failure to act has endangered their rights to life, liberty, property and vital public trust resources.
The lawsuit took place under the Obama administration — and didn't go anywhere.

Now these plaintiffs are trying to push this under the Trump administration. The Department of Justice has called the lawsuit “misguided, unprecedented and unconstitutional.”

The DOJ also said that while climate change was real, it cannot be solved by the United States alone.

The so-called science that is predicting the gloom and doom of climate change is rigged, in my view. While I agree we should be better stewards of the environment and cut down on pollution, some of the radical things that are being proposed in the name of climate change will probably have little impact — and are too extreme.

It's a ruse to redistribute wealth from wealthier nations to poorer nations.

Let them sue. The people pushing the “man-made global warming” issue and trying to put the oil industry out of business and dramatically change our lifestyle should also be sued — they should be told to confirm what actual scientific fact and method they are using to promote this hoax.

Juliana vs. the United States is “no ordinary lawsuit.” It was filed on behalf of a group of kids who claim the government's support of fossil fuels is causing climate change and violating their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property.https://t.co/a7GfqkPq64

— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) March 4, 2019
Watch: Steve Milloy dismantles kids' climate lawsuit on Fox & Friends https://t.co/HwiGk0iUFf pic.twitter.com/O5a2wt7kkv

— CafeNetAmerica (@cafenetamerica) March 5, 2019
The de-growth movement and the socialist push for wealth redistribution is the actual main driver of all of this.

If they were to study the many, many, many changes that this planet has undergone over billions of years, they would see it has always been changing.

And they should understand that it was changing even before there were conservatives, Republicans, Christians, the Industrial Revolution — and President Donald Trump.

Related: Ocasio-Cortez: World ‘Is Gonna End in 12 Years' if We Don't Address Climate Change

They can use climate change all they want to force mankind to revert to living in caves and drawing on cave walls, but this will not affect the changes of this planet, good or bad.

They can recycle all the cans and plastic bottles they want, drive an electric car, live in a commune and smoke marijuana until they have not one brain cell left — but guess what? They will not have one bit of effect on the ever-changing planet.

These kids are tools. The government cannot control the planetary climate.

One day, planet Earth will not even be able to sustain any living creature — and that will have nothing to do with what mankind did or didn't do. We don't own Earth. It owns us.

This piece originally appeared in WayneDupree.com and is used by permission.

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The post 21 Children Are Suing the U.S. Government Over Climate Change appeared first on LifeZette.

The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2019/03/21-children-are-suing-the-u-s-government-over-climate-change/ target=_blank >21 Children Are Suing the U.S. Government Over Climate Change</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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