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  1. JustKidding

    Judge Kavanaugh Proves Democrats No Longer Democratic

    Sheila, you can make your font size larger on the bar above. You can do anything but skate board from that bar LOL. Kavanaugh is going through his Clarence Thomas moment. The cagey democrats are so transparent we can see that they have no spines. Kavanaugh will be approved this week and...
  2. JustKidding

    Chris Matthews Can’t Stop Comparing the Trumps to the Romanovs

    Chris Matthews is a classic idiot. Who cares what he thinks?
  3. JustKidding

    Judge Kavanaugh Proves Democrats No Longer Democratic

    The "face" of the democratic party.....brace yourselves....Kamala Harris, Corey Booker and Maxine Waters. Now that is quite a bag of worms!!
  4. JustKidding

    Judge Kavanaugh Proves Democrats No Longer Democratic

    Now, we have a "Miss Ford" leaning forward with a pack of lies about Kavanaugh. This woman is a far left leaning activist stating that Kavanaugh tried to shall we say "take advantage of her" when she was drinking and he, supposedly, was drinking and they were 17 years old. Give me a break...
  5. JustKidding

    There Was Meddling In The Swedish Election

    I am going out on a limb here....but Sweden screwed up royally. How so you may ask? Immigrants....if you want to see a beautiful country, a well run country financially....go down a sewer...Sweden is your model. They brought the refugees in …. and they raped their beautiful "blonde" women...
  6. JustKidding

    Tucker Carlson vs The Alt Left (Video)

    Jayhawker, sending you a giant red apple!!
  7. JustKidding

    Diversity and Affirmative Action are Crutches for Incompetence

    LOVE this article, JP. Affirmative Action was wrong from the beginning. Let the cream rise to the top irrespective of skin color.
  8. JustKidding

    Getting ready for a CAT 4 Hurricane in South Carolina

    Thanks, JP!! I have a nephew who lives on the coast here and he "thinks" he is going to ride it out. I have a feeling he will change his mind and if so he will come here with us. Latest update is that North Carolina will get the big hit. More than likely the hurricane will be changed to a...
  9. JustKidding

    Racism: The Bottom Line of Everything!

    I have many nieces and nephews and a few have been accepted into ivy league universities. Well deserved, by the way. When they were deciding which offer to accept guess what the criteria was? Thought I would die when I heard it. Here goes..."well, that college is too white." What...
  10. JustKidding

    Petulant Obama Whines That He Deserves Credit For Trump’s Economy

    Sheila, you knocked it out of the park. Obama is a colossal loser. Has a dead person's social security number.
  11. JustKidding

    Getting ready for a CAT 4 Hurricane in South Carolina

    I may not be around to engage with my pals here on Conservative Angle/Political Derby for a few days so if I disappear know that we are without power, etc. Tara Jane "schooled me" in preparing for this monster storm because she has been through many in her state down south. She offered...
  12. JustKidding

    Petulant Obama Whines That He Deserves Credit For Trump’s Economy

    Take a bow because you speak the truth, my friend!! Yes, the "socialists" are waiting in the wings. Barry isn't smart enough to out trump the Trump. President Trump took away Obama's legacy in one fell swoop.
  13. JustKidding

    POCAHONTAS ON WARPATH=> Elizabeth Warren: If Trump is Unfit, Invoke 25th Amendment to Remove Him From Office

    Pocahontas has morphed into a cartoon. Go for it, Sheila!!
  14. JustKidding

    Congressman Shuts Down Protester Using His Epic Auctioneer Skills

    I loved this! Every republican Senator needs to take a class in "auctioneering" skills LOL!
  15. JustKidding

    Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office

    You hit on all the pistons, CA!! I find it difficult to think of John McCain as a hero on any possible level. He was, in fact, a Prison of War who suffered serious life changing injuries. I am thankful for his service. However, when you look back over his background you find that he never...
  16. JustKidding

    Steve Bannon: How the Mid-Terms Could Be the End of the Democratic Party as We Know It (Video)

    JP, this is an interesting video in that we get to know Steve Bannon and how he actually feels about Robert Mueller, the mid term elections and the Australian who started this whole Russia collusion theory which has mushroomed into what many believe to be the "deep state." I encourage everyone...
  17. JustKidding

    Petulant Obama Whines That He Deserves Credit For Trump’s Economy

    The limp wristed Kenyan is writhing in his own self importance because he is, after all, Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soretoro with a dead person's social security number. Yes, is un-American to his core and he will go down in history as the fraud who won two elections on a "feel good" vote...
  18. JustKidding

    Kamala Harris Will Never be President

    Great to see you, Kiddo!!!
  19. JustKidding

    Ocasio-Cortez’s message should be welcomed by the GOP for these reasons

    Sorry you have had problems with it. We've never had an issue with Tricare. In fact, with Medicare and Tricare....nothing out of pocket with the exception of some prescription drugs.
  20. JustKidding

    Schlapp: Op-ed writer obviously doesn't know Trump well

    Bottom line.....the majority of Americans love and trust President Donald J. Trump. I pray for him every morning. I pray for his continued good health and I pray for his safety in our country. I watched parts of Barack Obama's dilly dally speech today and I could barely continue....Barack...