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  1. JustKidding

    Hirono: Kavanaugh Doesn’t Get Presumption of Innocence Because of His ‘Ideological Agenda’

    Great comments and I would like to push the FACT that neither one of these women can remember a damn thing....because they were drunk and engaging in drunken college and high school "fooling around" BUT BUT BUT "I can't remember WHO it was or WHAT I allowed HIM to do....because I was drunk."...
  2. JustKidding

    Hirono: Kavanaugh Doesn’t Get Presumption of Innocence Because of His ‘Ideological Agenda’

    Hirono is a moron IMO. The Senate Judiciary Committee is an example of the difference between men and women. Women tend to run on with emotions and feelings instead of reason and debate. I believe it is appropriate to include Corey Booker in with the women. Hirono, Harris to name a few...
  3. JustKidding

    Neil Cavuto Lays Into Trump: ‘That’s Your Swamp’

    I stopped watching Neil and Shep awhile ago.
  4. JustKidding

    The Sliming of Kavanaugh: Alinsky Would Be Proud

    You are on the mark!! Great comments!
  5. JustKidding

    Republican Wins Texas Special Election… In District Hillary Won by 12 Percentage Points!

    Too far left and too far right is too far for America. Note here that I am expressing my personal opinion. Thanks for sharing this!
  6. JustKidding

    Senator Tim Kaine's Campaign of Lies

    I lived in OT Alexandria for many years among the nasty democrats. Everything you have said about Kaine is spot on! Trump is putting many in an early grave LOL....they can't sleep at night and I love it!!
  7. JustKidding

    Republican Wins Texas Special Election… In District Hillary Won by 12 Percentage Points!

    Sheila.. I don’t have an answer but what I can add here is that our country is going center.
  8. JustKidding

    The Sliming of Kavanaugh: Alinsky Would Be Proud

    Know this about The Kenyan....Barack Obama... an empty suit. As Joe Biden stated...”he cleans up nice.... “. Obama was a token who survived 2 terms because he was blackAND a fraud...the “feel good vote to bury slavery in America.” We Should note here that none of us alive today ever knew...
  9. JustKidding

    The Sliming of Kavanaugh: Alinsky Would Be Proud

    Sheila, you never disappoint!!!
  10. JustKidding

    Republican Wins Texas Special Election… In District Hillary Won by 12 Percentage Points!

    I believe the American people will continue to do what is right for our great country. They watched as The Kenyan was elected and immediately went around the world to "apologize" for America. Americans watched as The Kenyan was selling out America to the highest bidder and then to add insult...
  11. JustKidding

    The Sliming of Kavanaugh: Alinsky Would Be Proud

    Great article!! Barack Obama became a Community Organizer...straight out of "Rules for Radicals." The democrats are up to their eyeballs in corruption, obstruction, defamation of character so why hasn't Hillary Clinton been investigated and arrested for her crimes?
  12. JustKidding

    Kavanaugh Accuser Ignores Calls to Testify – After Volunteering to Testify

    I believe the midterm elections in November will be good to President Trump. I try to keep in mind that Trump won handily in 2016...it was like a freight train. Voters are powerful. They sent a powerful message to America in November 2016. I believe they will do it again this November.
  13. JustKidding

    Breaking: Obama Made "Secret Rules" for Targeting Journalists with FISA Warrants

    President Donald Trump has been accused by the liberal corporate media of whipping up a hateful frenzy against the press. But while CNN’s Jim Acosta grandstands against Trump, real journalists are still reeling from the draconian extrajudicial measures that Barack Obama and his administration...
  14. JustKidding

    Democrats Ignore and Smear Ellison Accuser While Attacking Kavanaugh

    Today's democrats have no shame.
  15. JustKidding

    Kavanaugh Accuser Ignores Calls to Testify – After Volunteering to Testify

    Hillary Clinton is behind all of this. Caught a clip of Rachel Maddow and Hildabeast this morning. All I can say is that our country dodged a cannon when Hillary lost the election. Hillary is evil.
  16. JustKidding

    CONSITUTIONAL CRISIS? Pelosi, Schumer, Schitt and Warner DEMAND DOJ-FBI Defy Trump Declassification Order

    The democratic party is comprised of very bad hombres, TPcat.
  17. JustKidding

    Kavanaugh Accuser Ignores Calls to Testify – After Volunteering to Testify

    I smell a rat....The nasty, evil democrats are at it again...obstructionists!
  18. JustKidding

    Getting ready for a CAT 4 Hurricane in South Carolina

    Tara Jane, we have "baffles" on the poles (high on the poles) but the squirrels somehow managed to scale them so I went on a blog and after reading through a long list of what didn't work for birders....a man replied "WD40" There was not ONE response to his post because it works!! We...
  19. JustKidding

    Hah-Hah! Far Left Democrat Who Dared Trump to Release FISA Docs — Now Says Trump Is “Absolutely Lawless” for Releasing FISA Docs

    Finally, we are getting somewhere. We, The People, deserve to know everything there is to know about the Deep State. We will learn that the FISA Docs will lead back to Hillary and the fraud Obama. Bring it on!