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  1. RightWireReport

    Election Day Changes Everything For America – Change, Conflict, Chaos

    Recently was Election Day, 2020. Last night, hundreds of protesters marched through Washington, D.C. with a sign demanding, “Burn down the American Plantation.” The crowd chanted, “Fck Trump. Fck Biden. No more presidents.” The mob wants a general revolution, not a genteel resistance. When mobs...
  2. RightWireReport

    I Smell A Rat, Biden The Thief?

    Watching the 2020 presidential election returns have been a long exhausting night. The results? The results, as of this hour, are incomplete. Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and one elector in Maine are all being disputed or have unclear of the...
  3. RightWireReport

    A Tale of a Joe Biden Electoral Victory?

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of justice, it was the age of mob rule, it was the age of free speech, it was the age of censorship, it was the age of truth, it was the age of lies, and it was the age of journalism, it was the age of propaganda. The year is...
  4. RightWireReport

    20 Reasons to VOTE for Donald Trump – Tell All Naysayers Before It’s Too Late!

    November 3rd is upon us, and if you have yet to cast your vote in the 2020 Election – the time is running out. Choosing who will be Commander And Chief for the next four years and those who will legislate in the House and Senate are on the ballot. I voted for President Donald J. Trump and...
  5. RightWireReport

    Sunday Thoughts: Will You Vote Out of Love or Hate?

    We have finally arrived at the final weekend before the momentous and pivotal 2020 presidential election. It has been exhausting, to say the least. The debates have concluded, all the policy positions have been made, as well as the endless political advertising. For those who have already voted...
  6. RightWireReport

    Why You Cannot Vote for Joe Biden – Vote for America, Not Against Her

    As an American, my civic duty is to abide by the consensual contract forged with the representative governance to uphold the United States Constitution, which defends our rights and liberty. Choosing to abdicate that responsibility by claiming; my vote is the lesser of two evils, or cast as a...
  7. RightWireReport

    Quid Pro Quo’s Gonna Bite Joe

    The political heat shed from the never-ending Hunter Biden laptop revelations, and the flipping of his former business partners, Tony Bobulinski and Bevan Cooney, has the Biden campaign’s back against the wall. When not hiding, the Biden party line is that Joe never discussed with Hunter any of...
  8. RightWireReport

    16 Biden, DNC and Media Lies Debunked – With Citations, Share With Your Undecided Friends

    America is one week away from a presidential election. Americans have been consistently lied to by the Democrat regime, by Biden, and by the media. To grasp how gravely our present Republic teeters on the precipice and the rationale for the systemic lies – we implore you to absorb the content of...
  9. RightWireReport

    We All Have An Uncle Brianu

    We all have an Uncle Brian. He is the family member that bloviates unprovoked and uninitiated about his superior political insights and moral preeminence based purely on voting straight-ticket Democrats. When families get together, we all recognize there is a spectrum of thoughts and feelings...
  10. RightWireReport

    Op-Ed: Coronavirus Cured My Germophobia

    People laugh when I tell them my husband, rather a practical joker, calls me “Monk.” After I’ve shaken someone’s hand at a gathering after they’re right out of earshot, he’ll take the opportunity to lean over and whisper, “Wipe! Wipe!” All my life, I’ve been deeply afraid of germs. Too long to...
  11. RightWireReport

    Loosey Goosey Evangelicals Misuse, Misinterpret, and Mangle Bible to Defend Open Borders

    Joe Biden said, “I respect no borders!” Well, neither do thieves, thugs, tyrants, and totalitarians. Nor do border-crossing drug lords, terrorists, pedophiles, disease carriers, and job seekers. Thinking Americans know that there must be order in everything. Without borders, there are no...
  12. RightWireReport

    Five COVID Questions For Thinking People

    The American public needs to begin holding more than one thought in its head at the same time; many things can be true at once. For example, coronavirus can be a real disease that we approach with caution but not paranoid fear. Democrats perform better electorally when the public is...
  13. RightWireReport

    Citizens Debate Between Republicans vs Democrats

    The 2020 presidential debates are now complete. The elections are now only a few days away in this pivotal decision America will make. Education on the issues is critical for all to understand before making our decisions. In this light, the Right Wire Report participated in a citizens debate...
  14. RightWireReport

    Sunday Thought: The Morality of Allowing Bad Things to Happen

    You probably have heard this story before – my 4-year-old little girl was just diagnosed with cancer, and I am devastated by this news. I find it hard to pray. I feel angry, and I don’t understand why God would allow this to happen. People say God has a plan, and he is looking out for us, but...
  15. RightWireReport

    Regardless Who Wins the Election, America Faces the Second American Revolution

    You may not be interested in this revolution, but this revolution is sure interested in you. The script was written many years ago; the producer is a well-known, foreign-born Jewish liberal; the director has been chosen; the location is set, and the hostile actors are already committed –...