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Kamala Has Ties To Iran-Praising, Hezbollah-Supporting Imam

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Vice President Kamala Harris not only met with a Michigan Iranian cleric who supports Hezbollah and praised Iran’s despotic founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, but also reportedly planned to visit his Islamic House of Wisdom before a flood canceled her plans.

The Islamic House of Wisdom, where Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi serves as the spiritual leader, has been a beneficiary of the Alavi Foundation aid program; the Alavi Foundation has been alleged to have “acted on behalf of the Iranian regime … Alavi’s connection to the Iranian state is clear and concerning, especially considering the broad span of Alavi’s activities in the fields of education and religion, where the Iranian regime can subtly but powerfully seed its influence, agendas, and extremist rhetoric,” the George Washington University Program on Extremism reported in “Propaganda, Procurement and Lethal Operations: Iran’s Activities Inside America.

The Alavi Foundation “has funneled nearly $500,000 to Elahi’s organization since 2000, along with another nearly $1.9 million to American universities, including Columbia, according to tax records reviewed by The Post,” the New York Post reported, adding, “Elahi is also a member of the Ahl Al-Bayt World Assembly … the group has tentacles in about 90 countries, aims to extend regime influence through networking with academic institutions, civil rights organizations, charities and welfare projects around the world.”

Harris met with Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi at a COVID vaccination event in Detroit in July 2021, “Propaganda, Procurement and Lethal Operations: Iran’s Activities Inside America,” stated. “Vice President Harris thanked Imam Elahi and IHW for their preparation to host her at the House of Wisdom last Monday and regretted missing the visitation because of the flood emergency in the area,” the Islamic House of Wisdom acknowledged on its website, JNS reported.

Kamala Harris, in July 2021, met with an Iranian regime operative, Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi, who has close ties to groups fueling antisemitic hate on American campuses.
Source: George Washington University’s Program report on Extremism.https://t.co/QCF1IL8rAS pic.twitter.com/BahGSTG62I

— SeKooh (@3KooH) October 12, 2024
Elahi has lauded Khomeini, who founded the Islamic Republic of Iran, as “the leader who led the greatest revolution in the history of Islam” and “an exceptional religious authority who combined religion and reason, morality and modernization, purification and civilization.”

Elahi served as head of the Iranian Navy’s political-ideological office in 1982, according to a CIA report. The GWU report stated that “what arguably constitutes the most problematic aspect of Imam Elahi’s persona is his explicit and continuous support for Hezbollah.”

In 2007, he said, “We need to have another interview talking about whether Hezbollah is a terrorist organization or not. I know that legally in the U.S. now, Hezbollah is on that list. […] They [Hezbollah] were resisting against [Israeli] occupation. I think that is something that is supported even by our government.”

The post <a href=https://www.dailywire.com/news/kamala-has-ties-to-iran-praising-hezbollah-supporting-imam target=_blank >Kamala Has Ties To Iran-Praising, Hezbollah-Supporting Imam</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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