Shortly after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the political battle about replacing her seat has begun. The Presidential nominee for the Democrat Party, Biden, tweeted his adamant opposition to President Trump, attempting to push through a nominee in the widow of the next 40 days. Joe Biden claimed that the nomination should wait until after the 2020 election in 44 days from now. Trump hit back at Biden, calling on the former Vice President to release his own list of potential Supreme Court picks and accusing him of being afraid to alienate voters by releasing the names ahead of November 3.
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President Trump is in his Constitutional right to pick a SCOTUS nominee and have his nominee be given a thorough process of advice and consent of the Senate. The voters elected Trump in 2016 and delivered the Senate to Republicans in 2018, there is no split like in the Garland circumstance. Biden, Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi agree. And yes, again, there is plenty of time to do this before the 2020 presidential election. If any person or groups try to thwart these efforts, it would be clearly un-Constitutional and against what Americans stand for. Of course, people have a right to protest. However, if these same protests turn ugly and people use these protests to commit acts of violence to achieve a political outcome, we need to clearly label these folks for who they are – domestic terrorists.