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Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Republicans need conservatives who will work well with Trump rather than RINOs like McCain & Co. who work well with Democrats. What do Democrats bring to the table to offer the American people? Sucking the life out of the economy? Inviting foreign invaders to take over? Cursing Republicans as being subhuman bigots? Making America a lowly state in the New World Order? Warping young ignorant minds with their indoctrination propaganda? Lemmings follow and do as they are told. Intelligent, thinking, morally righteous Americans see through their lies and understand that Democrats are the poison that will kill the Golden Goose.

RINO betrayers stand against the Trump agenda

McCain will be sorely missed – by Democrats. The Arizona RINO did more to advance the cause of Democrats than he ever did that of Republicans with Reagan, Bush, or Trump as president. Other RINOs have threatened President Trump if he ousts indolent AG Jeff Sessions who hasn't lifted a finger against Democrat crimes and sits on his thumb as Trump people are persecuted. The Washington elites are in terror of his installing someone like Trey Gowdy who would go after the corrupt swamp rats like a bloodhound because they know they would be caught in the dragnet. Both senators from the two states of Arizona and Alaska have been fighting Trump tooth and nail to help Democrats obstruct his agenda – betraying their voters in the process. The leftwing media keeps its viewers in the dark about Trump's achievements and Democrat machinations by telling them what to believe because most are too shallow-minded to investigate the facts for themselves.

Democrats do not want to see Trump successfully fill the Supreme Court and lower courts with Constitutionalists as they are the left's go-to kangaroo courts to overturn law from the bench as Republicans make anti-corruption laws to undo leftism. Their media portrayal of Trump as a despotic tyrant falls on its face with informed viewers. During McCain's funeral, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was out indoctrinating children into the phony ideology of socialist utopia. At the funeral, Democrats in the media called VP Mike Pence a “Christian Supremacist” who wants to overthrow righteous atheists to establish a government religion (you mean like socialist atheism or Islam?) and scorned his presence. Meanwhile, at Aretha Franklin's funeral, Islamist Farrakhan was honored along with multi-million-dollar tax dodger Al Sharpton.

McCain's funeral an orgy of leftist praise

The McCain's invited President Trump and Gov. Palin to not attend his funeral, which speaks volumes about their allegiance to the left. Obama was there to speak of government leaders seeming “small, mean, and petty.” Was the arrogant narcissist speaking of himself? “Teabaggers” believe so. Former President Bush remarked that John McCain “detested the abuse of power – could not abide bigots and swaggering despots.” Were he, too, speaking of Obama his remarks would fall right in line with history. But if he was referring to Trump then his remarks are wholly leftist lies of indoctrinators. Veterans of the Iraq War he led took great offense at now being labelled as bigots following a despot:

Iraqi Vet slams Bush for criticizing Trump at McCain's funeral

The icing on the cake of hypocrisy for the day was McCain's daughter Meghan who said, “The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.” This flies in the face of Democrats who say, “America was never great.” Or perhaps not as McCain's “bipartisanship,” his idea of “reaching across the aisle” to Democrats, was always in submitting to Democrat policies at the expense of the Republican voters who elected him to stop the leftist communists. McCain's last act as a senator was to completely betray his voters by voting in the Senate against repealing ObamaCare. This act of petty, mean spitefulness against President Trump at the expense of the people is the act that defines McCain's service in government. McCain was lauded by Democrats as the best of Republicans because he always followed their lead. Democrats only see America as great when they are leading the nation down the road to Hell.

Thank God for President Donald Trump who now stands against the tide of leftist atheist/Islamist socialism that Obama almost succeeded in imposing on this great nation. Republicans like Trump are a thousand times more qualified than all the Democrat and RINO lawyers combined when it comes to leading this nation to prosperity for the people. While they slander Trump as a despot, he leads this nation righteously in the opposite direction of Obammunism. While they scorn his tweets as “unpresidential,” he exposes their hateful ideology. Try as they might to poison the nation against Trump as they did against Bush, their caricatures and misrepresentations are being turned back on them and thrown into their faces. Trump's tweets keep people focused on what Democrats are doing, the lies they are telling, and the rotten seeds they attempt to sow. Only the most myopic of liberals fall for their frauds. The tide is turning as more and more Democrats realize that Trump is truly leading America back to greatness from the descent of Obama's decline.

John McCain – A Great American Tragedy

Trumpism vs. Obamaism: Restoring American Prosperity vs. Managing America's Decline

Are Democrats Obvious or Oblivious?

America was Never Great – the new Democrat Ideal

Two Americas: Americanism or Socialism, Right vs. Left

They are Not Refugees and Immigrants, they are Raiders and Invaders

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[Author's Note: Please share this with your friends by email to overcome shadow banning by Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Conservative Christians are not able to relay the truth thanks to liberal fascist censorship that is disrupting communication while they distract the nation. My own blog and FB page readership are down by 90% over the last two years despite doubling subscribers. Leftists perpetrate their frauds in the name of social justice as they dupe the people into accepting their tyranny.]

Proverbs 1:7, KJV: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

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Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
Barack Obama, the fraud, destroyed what was left of the democratic party. The democrats found Obama. They groomed him and repackaged They basically hurled him on a stage holding a sign "If you don't vote for me you are a racist." It is more than fair to say that the democrats may not be in our WH again as the socialist party takes their place. Obama was the worst president in the history of our country IMO and we had to deal with that. And, deal with it, we did!! We found a very successful businessman who was not a politician and not a republican or a democrat. Take a bow, President Trump!
Reactions: JPConservative


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
No Republican is fit to hold office. Let's have a look at the State level and Governors:

Which State has surpluses?

Alaska, Gov Bill Walker (R)
Mississippi, Gov Phil Bryant (R)
West Virginia, Gov Jim Justice (R)
Wyoming, Gov Matt Mead (R)
North Dakota, Gov Doug Burgum (R)
Massachusetts, Gov Charlie Baker (R)
South Carolina, Gov Henry McMaster (R)
Virginia, Gov Ralph Northam (D)

I used the Daily Mail as my source (Click Here) a UK newspaper and whilst it is Conservative leaning, it hardly has any reason to be biased in favour of Republicans. If I am reading the article correctly, there were 15 States with budget surpluses and the eight above were picked based upon (I think) that they would be all well known to UK readers rather than political reasons. I don't think I need to elaborate my point...
Reactions: Conservative Angle


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
JP, you are hitting on the pistons, my friend, revealing our inner city cesspools run for decades by democrats. I feel so much anger when I think of the inner city families who have had to endure this blatant disregard for the lives of their families living in crime ridden neighborhoods. So, do the math. Do the research. Check out every single inner city in America and you will find a democrat politician in charge. Is it no wonder that these viable people/families are voting for President Trump? Democrats never gave these communities a wink of the eye much less a dedicated promise to make their lives better. It is disgraceful.

Thank you, JP, for bringing this very important information to this group. Breaks my heart, always has, that the voters for democrats are usually minorities. This will change under President Trump. But, what voters need to realize is that they need to vote the democrats OUT and only then will change take place.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
This is one of my passions....in the number one position. No one thinks about these families and how they struggle day after day. President Trump will pay attention. Because he is NOT a politician he will pay attention.
Reactions: JPConservative


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
I've been searching for a city where the situation has been reversed and apart from Baltimore being forced to reform taxes at the State level, I can't find a city that once it becomes Democrat-controlled changes or reverts to Republican-controlled. Has any major city ditched the Democrats?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
I think I have found one* Oklahoma City, and if I am reading the information right, it was turned around in 1998 after the Republicans regained control. In the 70s,80's, and 90s it appears to be on the same course as Detroit and Chicago, but after the Republicans took control, the city started to prosper and is still doing well.

*Obviously, there could be others I couldn't find as it is time consuming doing the cross-referencing needed to find out.
Reactions: JustKidding

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
*Obviously, there could be others I couldn't find as it is time consuming doing the cross-referencing needed to find out.
Here's a big one: How about New York City, under mayor Rudy Giuliani? He turned that 1970's cesspool into Disney World, safe for families.

As far as inner city cesspools go, we blame the Republicans for not calling out and campaigning against the communists, er the democrats. What a perfect opportunity to unseat the dems, but they did nothing except cede power to the democrats.

- "All evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing."
Reactions: JustKidding


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
Here's a big one: How about New York City, under Mayor Rudy Giuliani? He turned that 1970's cesspool into Disney World, safe for families.
I missed that one due to it currently being under a Democrat, and not meeting the criteria of the type of city I was looking for. Whilst it did undergo some economic decline and spiralling crime, which Giuliani reversed. There wasn't a clear-cut causal pattern that I was looking for.

Why aren't the Republicans contesting those cities that are Democrat controlled?
Is it a resources issue, i.e. Do the Republicans have the manpower and money to fight the Democrats in Democrat strongholds?
Or a tactical issue with the Republicans focused on winning control of States whilst the Democrats focus of Cities?

Please do not think I'm being contrarian. Living in the UK gives me a working knowledge of why the UK political landscape is the way it is today. I know the historical reasons why the UK parties fight and win certain parts of the UK. I don't have that working knowledge of the US.
Reactions: JustKidding


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
Here's a big one: How about New York City, under Mayor Rudy Giuliani? He turned that 1970's cesspool into Disney World, safe for families.

Perfect example!!! Indeed, Mayor Giuliani stepped into that job with common sense reform.

Here's an article published in 2009 that lays out this success story: https://www.city-journal.org/html/how-new-york-became-safe-full-story-13197.html
JP, excellent graphs! Our current situation under President Trump has probably added more states with a nice surplus.

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Why aren't the Republicans contesting those cities that are Democrat controlled?
Why aren't they supporting President Trump?

The GOP are mostly spineless cowards. If they fought the dems all along, there wouldn't be many 'democrat strongholds'.

Every time the dems brought up race and poverty, the GOP should have hammered them on their hypocrisy; the K.K.K., segregation, Jim Crowe, etc.
Reactions: JustKidding


Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
Funerals are supposed to be about the deceased, instead John McCain and Aretha Franklin's funerals were turned into a Trump bashing event. Ivanka was at McCain's funeral with her husband and got criticized by the left for having the gall to be there! Meghan McCain gave a very loving eulogy about her father (whether one agreed with everything she said about him or not) and ruined it with her spewing hate-filled comments about Trump. Sarah Palin has never ever had one unkind word to say about McCain and yet even though she ran as his VP pick, she wasn't invited. She still remained gracious.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
Funerals are supposed to be about the deceased, instead, John McCain and Aretha Franklin's funerals were turned into a Trump bashing event. Ivanka was at McCain's funeral with her husband and got criticized by the left for having the gall to be there! Meghan McCain gave a very moving eulogy about her father (whether one agreed with everything she said about him or not) and ruined it with her spewing hate-filled comments about Trump. Sarah Palin has never ever had one unkind word to say about McCain and yet even though she ran as his VP pick, she wasn't invited. She still remained gracious.
From a British point of view, why wasn't Trump & Palin invited?
I don't get it at all. Karl Marx is buried here in the UK alongside Charles Darwin. Darwin is the founder of a modern Scientific Theory. Karl Marx was wrong. Yet here in the UK. we acknowledge both.
Reactions: JustKidding

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Trump and Palin were not invited because John McCain was an embittered and spiteful bastard, period. It was Palin that breathed life into a stale campaign, helmed by a crusty curmudgeon.

We would like to see the grave site of Karl Marx treated the same way leftists treat confederate statues here in America.

His disgusting ideology has created more misery and death on this planet that is equal to none.

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