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Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
You hit on all the pistons, CA!! I find it difficult to think of John McCain as a hero on any possible level. He was, in fact, a Prison of War who suffered serious life changing injuries. I am thankful for his service. However, when you look back over his background you find that he never should've been a pilot because he was a lousy pilot. His father and grandfather got him "his wings" and he eventually was instrumental of crashing five planes. My husband retired after 30 years in the navy and he remembers the stories going around about John McCain. They weren't pretty. In fact, they were scary to other pilots.

Meghan McCain and Cindy McCain carried out John's funeral directions. He wrote it out. He talked to his family about what he wanted and how he wanted it done. It was a story about McCain's life as a bitter old man who seemed to delight in "gotcha" and "one-upmanship" tactics to elevate himself if only in his own mind to those in government. What will be remembered about John McCain's funeral is that his presidential running mate, Sarah Palin, and the POTUS Donald J. Trump were specifically forbidden to be at his bitter funeral.

I actually feel sorry for the family John McCain has left behind because over time they will be examining and questioning why many in America did not like their father and husband. The questions will be answered.

Lindsay Graham said, "Meghan is her father's daughter." He was right.