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CNN political commentator: If Biden goes out there and messes up at the debate, 'it's game over'

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Senior political commentator Van Jones highlighted how high the stakes are for President Joe Biden for next week's presidential debate as the concerns have only gotten louder over Biden's mental acuity.

The debate against former President Donald Trump is on Thursday in Atlanta, hosted by CNN. Among the rules for the debate, microphones will be cut when speaking out of turn, and there is no live audience. Due to a coin toss, Trump will be given the last word.

'This is the whole presidency in a bottle in a week.'

In preparation for the debate, Biden will be spending a week at Camp David.

"This is the entire election, as far as I’m concerned. The entire world will be watching. There — if you are a carbon-based life form, you’re going to be watching. If you’ve got a functioning brain stem, you’re going to be watching, because, if Biden goes out there and messes up, it’s game over," Van Jones said.

"If he walks out there and a week later he’s lower in the polls, it’s panic in the party. But if he goes in there and he can handle himself against Donald Trump, a runaway train, a locomotive, a raging bull, then this guy deserves another shot to be president, because that is tough," he continued. "You couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do it. If you can stand toe to toe with a runaway train like Donald Trump for an hour-and-a-half, you are fit to be president, period, point blank. This is the whole presidency in a bottle in a week."

CNN commentator: If Biden goes out there and messes up at the debate, 'it's game over'


There has been a "senior moment" in nearly every single one of Biden's public appearances the past few months. From freezing up onstage to consistently mumbling entire sentences, it remains to be seen how well Biden will perform in the match against Trump.

For his part, Trump is spending the week before the debate by hosting rallies in different states. Fresh off his recent trip to Wisconsin, there is a Trump rally in downtown Philadelphia on Saturday. It has been reported Trump will not be conducting mock debates, a staple in political campaigns.

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