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  1. JPConservative

    Tucker Carlson vs The Alt Left (Video)

    Sorry, but as a convived Thatcherite, NO! No to supporting lame duck businesses, not now not ever.
  2. JPConservative

    Tucker Carlson vs The Alt Left (Video)

    I'm in agreement with Tucker Carson on this. Welfare to support people and business is bad. With people, I can understand it. If it's to get them on their feet, not if it breeds dependency. It's never the task of taxpayers to bail out businesses. Either they stand on their own two feet or they...
  3. JPConservative

    Glad you've joined us :-)

    Glad you've joined us :-)
  4. JPConservative

    To all my American friends who love the Constitution, now you are needed to stand up for it...

    I saw this petition on YouTube, I urge all Americans to take the time to sign it, stand up for Conservative/Republican voices on Social Media. With Trump as President, we have an opportunity to force Leftist to acknowledge the Constitution, and The People's Right to Free Expression. If you...
  5. JPConservative

    Tucker Carlson vs The Alt Left (Video)

    I could binge watch him on YouTube all night.
  6. JPConservative

    The Democrats!

    One thing I love about Trump is that he upholds the Rule of Law. Don't stoop to using Communist tactics, use better arguments. I think a well-informed voter is better.
  7. JPConservative

    The Democrats!

    Sorry to be a contrarian again, but didn't the USA pass Anti-Communist laws back in the 1950s? Why can't those be dusted off and used against Antifa?
  8. JPConservative

    Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office

    That's a good question! Why don't the GOP hammer this home?
  9. JPConservative

    Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office

    As are most politicians in my experience. There are very few Margaret Thatchers and definitely a lot of Quislings!
  10. JPConservative

    UK: Boris Johnson tops poll to replace May | Jack Buckby

    @JustKidding, Whilst I would have prefered Jacob Rees-Mogg as he is a far more statesmanlike character, Boris Johnson is far more like Donald Trump. As it said in the video, who goes up for the contest has to be decided by the party's MPs, then those people are put before the party membership...
  11. JPConservative

    Tucker Carlson vs The Alt Left (Video)

  12. JPConservative

    Booker Accuses Reporter of Violating Constitution by Asking Him a Question

    Reading the clause makes the point even clearer, it's not even an interpretation, but the actual wording: ...shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their attendance at the Session of their Respective Houses, and in going to and from...
  13. JPConservative

    Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office

    I missed that one due to it currently being under a Democrat, and not meeting the criteria of the type of city I was looking for. Whilst it did undergo some economic decline and spiralling crime, which Giuliani reversed. There wasn't a clear-cut causal pattern that I was looking for. Why...
  14. JPConservative

    Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office

    I think I have found one* Oklahoma City, and if I am reading the information right, it was turned around in 1998 after the Republicans regained control. In the 70s,80's, and 90s it appears to be on the same course as Detroit and Chicago, but after the Republicans took control, the city started...
  15. JPConservative

    Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office

    I've been searching for a city where the situation has been reversed and apart from Baltimore being forced to reform taxes at the State level, I can't find a city that once it becomes Democrat-controlled changes or reverts to Republican-controlled. Has any major city ditched the Democrats?
  16. JPConservative

    Democrats say no Republican is “qualified” to hold office

    Here's an example. Detroit Click Here. Wasn't Detroit supposed to be a shining example of urban planning and a "Model City?"
  17. JPConservative

    BRAINIAC Says White People Invented Guns Because They’re The “Weakest Race”

    What is the purpose of Bow and Arrows, Dart Guns, or Javalins, if not to kill at a distance? Even if the claim that Europeans invented guns was true, how does that make us weak? Only a person who had never used a gun could say that. It requires strength, stamina, and skill to use a gun...