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  1. JPConservative

    Failed Former President Spouts Off Against Trump in Denmark – Rails Against Racial, Nationalistic Politics

    Ah, I see now. Demark has a growing nationalist movement and he's there to support the Leftist Europhile parties who support mass immigration of Muslims to Europe. Also, to encourage opposition to Geert Wilders and the PVV could be elected as the government next year.
  2. JPConservative

    Failed Former President Spouts Off Against Trump in Denmark – Rails Against Racial, Nationalistic Politics

    That's a good question Diane, I mean why would beer and bacon be of interest to a Muslim? Joking aside, what was he doing in Denmark?
  3. JPConservative

    Hillary Clinton Pats Self On Back With Forced ‘Murphy Brown’ Cameo

    I don't know what Hillary Clinton is so worried about doesn't she rule over those flying monkeys?
  4. JPConservative

    Christine Ford Gives Bizarre Excuse For Contradictory Witnesses

    I've found her "Beach Friend" As far as I'm concerned Dr Ford is either: 1) A liar in the pay of the Democratic party. Or: 2) A deranged individual in need of institutionalisation for her own wellbeing and safety.
  5. JPConservative

    Mexican ‘Superlabs’ Are Pumping The US Full Of Cheap Meth

    Whenever I think of Meths and the USA, I think of this, can't think why Joking aside, I think that the War on Drugs was a mistake. The two biggest causes of drug-related deaths are due to the purity and strength of the drug. The other problem with illegal drugs is it makes money for...
  6. JPConservative

    Cruz’s Response to Restaurant Attack: Christian, Wise and Classy

    I think it is time for us Conservatives to start using their rule book against them. Whenever they attack as they did with Ted Cruz, they need to be hunted down and get the same treatment, just like Steven Crowder did here:
  7. JPConservative

    Cruz’s Response to Restaurant Attack: Christian, Wise and Classy

    They are playing by the rules Alinsky gave them! Isn't interesting who Alinsky dedicated his Rules to Radicals to? Oop, I meant her Master, Lucifer.
  8. JPConservative

    Lindsey Graham erupts: Kavanaugh hearing an unethical sham

    I'm a little confused. Does he just need the Senate committee to confirm him, or does the whole Senate have to vote too?
  9. JPConservative

    The BBC, Trump, Kavanaugh, and Perry Mason

    Here in the UK, everyone knows that the BBC (Blatantly Biased Communists) is full of Leftists and hates anyone who holds Right-Wing politic views, or is nationalistic (except of course Scottish, Welsh, or Irish nationalists.) If you are pro-Brexit, support Western values, oppose Socialism...
  10. JPConservative

    Lindsey Graham erupts: Kavanaugh hearing an unethical sham

    I saw that interview on Fox News last night. Senator Graham was spot on! I hope the rest of the Republican Senators can grow some balls, get a backbone, and vote Kavanaugh into the SCOTUS ASAP!
  11. JPConservative

    Kavanaugh Passionately Defends His Career, Family – Congressman Alleges It’s Proof He’s a Rapist

    Having been the victim of false accusations, I can tell you how impossibly difficult it is to defend yourself from them. It was the main cause of a problem I had, that I have mentioned to you, Diane. I don't believe he is a drunk, you can clearly see he barely drinks. There is no way he would be...
  12. JPConservative

    Um, isn't Penn Julette a Scientific Conseverative?

    Ah, darn it. That's not the video I meant to post :eek: