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Speaker Ryan’s Biggest Mistake Was Not Supporting President Trump – He Should Step Down from Speakership Now!

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan announced that he is stepping down as Speaker and will not seek re-election in the House of Representatives. He may have higher aspirations but his lack of support for President Trump will ultimately be his downfall.

Speaker Ryan may be planning to run for President someday. He was VP Candidate for losing Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and he is currently Speaker of the House. However, because of his miscalculations and lack of support of President Trump, odds are that Speaker Ryan will never win a Presidential race. He totally underestimated the current President at every turn. Ryan's lack of support for the President and his massive group of supporters prove Ryan is out of touch with what is important to Americans.

In 2016, during the Presidential campaign Speaker Ryan stated in a call with House Republicans that he will never support then Presidential candidate Trump, and he never has –

During the President's first year in office, Ryan couldn't contain his disdain for the President. Every time he was with the President he had a horrible smirk on his face.

Ryan never realized how disgusting his actions and lack of support were to Republicans who admire President Trump for his courage and efforts to change America for the better after the eight destructive years of the Obama Administration. In spite of significant head winds from corrupt Democrats, the media and NeverTrumper Republicans, like Ryan himself, the President succeeded in accomplishing a significant portion of his agenda in his first year in office.

But in March 2018, Ryan provided the President a monstrous spending bill. The President signed it but reluctantly. Americans voted against massive spending from the Obama years by voting for Trump. In spite of President Trump's deficits being half that of Obama's, the spending bill was not popular and Ryan knew it. Ryan gave the Democrats all they wanted and didn't provide money for President Trump's wall on the Southern border.

Since announcing his run for office, the media and Democrats have attacked President Trump relentlessly. He is under attack by the unconstitutional Mueller investigation. In the face of these attacks on Trump and his family, Speaker Ryan remains silent.

Judge Janine argued a few weeks ago for Republican leadership to begin supporting the President, but they have not listened –

The most disturbing actions by the current Speaker are his support for individuals that are against our President. This past weekend former FBI Head Comey slandered the President. Ryan responded by sharing his support for dirty cop Comey.

Speaker Ryan provides no support and remains silent while corrupt and criminal liberals and their elite friends in the media slander and report salacious and unverified reports about President Trump. Americans will not forget. This is Speaker Ryan's downfall. He should resign from the Speakership now!

The post Speaker Ryan's Biggest Mistake Was Not Supporting President Trump – He Should Step Down from Speakership Now! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The post <a href=http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/speaker-ryans-biggest-mistake-not-supporting-president-trump-he-should-step-down-from-the-speakership-now/ target=_blank >Speaker Ryan’s Biggest Mistake Was Not Supporting President Trump – He Should Step Down from Speakership Now!</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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