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WATCH: Reporter gets schooled by doctor who she falsely claims is ‘muzzled’ by Trump admin over coronavirus

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
A reporter just asked President Trump: Why have you been muzzling Doctor Fauci?

"I've never been muzzled and I've been doing this since Reagan." Doctor Fauci responded.​

There is something very satisfying about watching a dishonest, hateful, propaganda-peddler from the press get absolutely schooled and put in their place on live TV.

It's a beautiful thing and that's exactly what happened today during President Trump's coronavirus press conference.

The fake news media and the Democrats are doing their best to weaponize the coronavirus outbreak to use against President Trump.

And today that plot was on full display during the coronavirus press conference.

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After President Trump gave a briefing on the coronavirus situation, he said that one individual in Washington State has tragically passed from contracting coronavirus and that said person was a “higher risk” person in their late 50s. He then took questions.

One female reporter asked a loaded question meant to make President Trump look bad involving Dr. Anthony Fauci —a renowned expert on infectious diseases— claiming the doctor has been “muzzled” by the Trump administration and not allowed to speak out about coronavirus. The implication was that President Trump and his team are trying to “hide” things from the American people.

This is what these propagandists want you to think is going on. It's not—not even close.

Dr. Fauci was standing right there, literally right next to President Trump. Did the dopey reporter even realize that? After President Trump lambasted her for asking a “dishonest” question, he let Dr. Fauci take over the mic; he admonished her (and the entire fake news media's false tale) about “muzzling.”

It never happened. Not even a little. Not one single time.

You can watch the video below:


A reporter just asked President Trump: Why have you been muzzling Doctor Fauci?

"I've never been muzzled and I've been doing this since Reagan." Doctor Fauci responded. pic.twitter.com/qqqavAT4GR

— Francis Brennan (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@FrancisBrennan) February 29, 2020
This tweet is 100% spot-on.

The Progressive Propaganda Media in this country is pure filth. pic.twitter.com/LfHpB7tfWa

— Daphnee
(@DaphneeMoon7) February 29, 2020
We do have a progressive propaganda media; they keep making that quite clear.

The media coverage of coronavirus is not about informing people. It's about the fake news lying, scaring Americans, causing mass paranoia in order to help Democrats in an election year.

This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com and is used by permission.

Read more at WayneDupree.com:
Report: Meghan Furious, Lashes Out at Royals “If Anyone Should be Insulted, It's Us!”
Eric Holder Tweets a Disturbing Warning to Trump on Coronavirus With a Photo of an Assassinated President
Report: Meghan Must Return to London to Fulfill Her “Final Royal Duty” Just as Palace Feud Heats Up

The post WATCH: Reporter gets schooled by doctor who she falsely claims is ‘muzzled' by Trump admin over coronavirus appeared first on LifeZette.

The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2020/02/watch-reporter-gets-schooled-by-doctor-who-she-falsely-claims-is-muzzled-by-trump-admin-over-coronavirus/ target=_blank >WATCH: Reporter gets schooled by doctor who she falsely claims is ‘muzzled’ by Trump admin over coronavirus </a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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