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The RNC is a Dead Elephant


Sep 8, 2018
The alleged GOP House "leadership" once again shows how stupid and out of touch they and their supporters in some of the alleged "conservative media" are in their treatment of Rep Pete King for a really nonracist comment while letting slide racist, anti male, anti Semitic statements from Dems like Maxine Stagnate Waters and the Black Caucus and the hijab wears newly elected from Mi and MN or the conduct in the recent Homeland Security Sec testimony by a radical Latino. We have similar anti white, anti male, and anti Christian statements from Dem senators like Kamala Harridan from CA and Cray Mazie from HI. with zero pushback. McCarthy is no better than Cryin Ryan or Bonghead Boehner ,
Reactions: Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
The left always circles the wagons, while the GOP forms a circular firing squad.

We're not sure what the GOP represents, anymore. The name of this site is "conservative", not "republican"... for this very reason.
Reactions: TNN