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The Election. The Regime. The Pentagon’s AI Wishlist

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Merrick Garland of the Tzar Biden Regime is warning Americans that the DOJ will station their own ‘police force’ to monitor anyone who dares to call out an election monitor while they are fraudulently packing the votes. The unidentified ‘federal police’ will be backed up by the FBI. The same FBI that fraudulently incited the riots at the Capitol and thus arrested over 1100 peaceful protesters who remain imprisoned illegally.

Essentially, Garland is saying that they are rigging the election and anyone who interferes will be a target. Simultaneously, Garland cites Russia as an election sphere of influence, while warning that Iran has also joined forces in manipulating the free and fair US Election Process… Dominion’s CEO has jumped into the fray threatening anyone who dares even speak negatively of the company will find themselves sued, destroyed and begging.

There is one man that is repeatedly mentioned as having made death threats against government officials and election personnel dating from 2021, a convicted felon, Brockbank, who is currently in detention.

The claim is that election workers have received death threats. It appears that election workers will get better security than President Trump. Garland; “We seek to ensure public confidence in the electoral process by providing local points of contact within the Department for the public to report possible federal election law violations.” Is he referring to the ‘democrat public’ or the American public’ – because those two groups do not seem to be the same.

The election is definitely looking as though it will be ‘messy’. It is advisable to steer clear of the potential riots given your mere presence means you are guilty by association in this new world of guilty until proven innocent. No Trial.

Yesterday was a critical end to the BC elections with ‘record turnout’ despite Vancouver being completely flooded and roads impassable. ODD. The extent of Western nations representing the topsy turvydom of everything we were taught is so vast and so abominable forget 1984, we are living in Lewis Carroll’s Rabbit Hole. Lewis Carroll was also a great mathematician whose paradoxal parody between the Tortoise and Achilles challenged the idea that ‘inference’ was logical truth.

I was reading the Mike Whitney Interview with Ron Unz, “Why everything you know about WWII is wrong”, and it delves into the why General Patton’s famous comment was point on – “I fought on the wrong side”. And how the entire narrative we have been ingrained to accept is in fact ‘topsy turvy’ – Alice in Wonderland! Always justifying a war, or an assault, based on a false ‘enemy’. The common enemy.

But it goes beyond that to Vietnam, Korea, WWI, the Civil War, and even our supposed Fore Fathers who we are taught to revere – The Committee Of Five. Many of whom were wealthy Free Masons whose scandals, censorship, smuggling operations and other misdeeds including Sherman presiding over the Supreme Court having no education to speak of, were ignored in rewriting their glorious historical deifying biographies. But such is our History.

In this world of make-believe history, there is the make-believe present:

The Pentagon has issued their ‘cyber-security’ initiative in AI: “The unclassified wishlist for acquisitions expresses need for enhanced production of fake imagery, including humans with different facial expressions, virtual environments, and “selfie videos” that can withstand scrutiny by social media algorithms and real humans. The solutions should also provide audio layers specific for locations of simulated footage.”

All presumably before the election in 2 weeks. WHY?

The Pentagon claims North Korean troops are fighting in Russia against the Ukrainians. This claim was further mediatized by the CIA’s puppet, South Korea’s spy agency, which has called on the UN to call this a war crime…and threatened a ‘response’. Thus providing the backdrop for a full blown NATO invasion with no evidence and no wrong doing.

This sort of propaganda is what led to the US intervening in WWII. Fictional reports with no basis. Enter AI. AI ordered by the Pentagon for fake imagery that would be so real the world would believe what was shown…and lay the foundation for justification of something so heinous the election would be delayed – aligning with Obama’s recent encouragement to Biden – “Don’t worry we have lots of time”….

And like FDR’s concern over the debt and economy he couldn’t control – America’s Democrats are once again facing the failures of their policies and need a quick fix to move the focus.

Reprinted with permission from HelenaGlass.net.

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