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Suck On This Commies! Trump Proclaims May 1st As Law Day


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Boy howdy. This will make the leftards squeal like a bad bearing in an Alternator with a loose belt. those that wasn't high on marijuana on a day like this.
Thank you President Trump (and Eisenhower) !!

May 1, 2018| by Donn Marten

As leftists take to the streets to protest America, legitimate elections and capitalism on the communist holiday of May Day, President Donald Trump has sent a message to the radicals and screw heads that in our traditional system of values that the law comes first.

Therefore Trump proclaimed Tuesday, May 1st to be "Law Day" in the USA.

Via the official White House website:

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims May 1, 2018, as Law Day, U.S.A.

On Law Day, we celebrate our Nation’s heritage of liberty, justice, and equality under the law. This heritage is embodied most powerfully in our Constitution, the longest surviving document of its kind. The Constitution established a unique structure of government that has ensured to our country the blessings of liberty through law for nearly 229 years.

The Framers of our Constitution created a government with distinct and independent branches — the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial — because they recognized the risks of concentrating power in one authority. As James Madison wrote, “the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” By separating the powers of government into three co-equal branches and giving each branch certain powers to check the others, the Constitution provides a framework in which the rule of law has flourished.

The entire statement can be read HERE:

Now before all of you liberals wet yourselves and start screaming HITLER! HITLER! HITLER! at the top of your lungs it would be wise to take a deep breath and digest the inconvenient truth that “Law Day” has been observed ever since President Dwight D. Eisenhower proclaimed it way back in 1958 and three years later when we had a functional Congress not filled with liberal fanatics, a resolution was passed that the date be recognized as such.

According to The History Channel’s “This Day In History” for May 1st:

President Eisenhower proclaims Law Day

On this day in 1958, President Eisenhower proclaims Law Day to honor the role of law in the creation of the United States of America. Three years later, Congress followed suit by passing a joint resolution establishing May 1 as Law Day.

The idea of a Law Day had first been proposed by the American Bar Association in 1957. The desire to suppress the celebration of May 1, or May Day, as International Workers’ Day aided in Law Day’s creation. May Day had communist overtones in the minds of many Americans, because of its celebration of working people as a governing class in the Soviet Union and elsewhere.

The American Bar Association defines Law Day as: “A national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. Law Day underscores how law and the legal process have contributed to the freedoms that all Americans share.” The language of the statute ordaining May 1 calls it “a special day of celebration by the American people in appreciation of their liberties and? rededication to the ideals of equality and justice under law.”

On a day that, in many parts of the world, inspires devotion to the rights of the working classes to participate in government, Law Day asks Americans to focus upon every American’s rights as laid out in the fundamental documents of American democracy: the Declaration of Independence and the federal Constitution.

You sure won’t hear the leaders of the American left speaking of Law Day because dyed in the wool commies like Bernie Sanders are less inclined to throw in with America but rather to trash the country.

Happy Law Day, MAGA and God Bless America!