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Student Says Men Can Be Victims of Sexual Harassment Too. Professor LOSES HIS MIND!

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

We've said it before and we'll say it again: college is the pittiest of pits (read Dear High School Students: Don't Go to College. No Seriously…). The reasons outnumber the tubes of cellulite cream lying in Amy Schumer's medicine cabinet. While college used to be a place you go to expand your mind, now it's a place where practicers of wrongthink are punished. This week brings us yet another example.

The lad in the video below was disagreeing with his liberal professor. Big mistake.

A New Jersey community college is investigating why a professor shouted the F-word at a student in an incident that was caught on camera. The student identifies as politically conservative, and the incident has sparked complaints about the college as a liberal atmosphere where alternative political viewpoints are not tolerated.

The incident, recorded on another student's cell phone, came after Lyle insisted both men and women can be victims of sexual harassment, said Lyle, in an interview with NJ Advance Media. It is one of many disagreements Lyle says he's had with Finkelstein over the course of the semester.

“I am being discriminated against at my school because of my beliefs,” Lyle, 23, of Toms River, said. “It's a shame.”

Now, the whole ordeal isn't in the video. But if the student's account is true, this all stems from him insisting men can be sexually harassed as well. Considering the meltdowns we've seen in Change My Mind segments on campus, I'll take his word for it.

A student presenting an opposing argument to a professor should be standard practice. Instead, the old crone goes and throws a temper tantrum. This is liberal privilege on display. Thou shalt not disagree with feminism, lest ye be publicly shamed. Possibly flogged. Hey, this guy is tenured so why not go the whole nine yards. Dismantling the patriarchy one punished apostate at a time.

And here I thought debate thrived on campus.

Such attitudes betray the left. They're indicative of an underlying insecurity: their arguments cannot withstand the test of discourse. As we've seen so many times when Ben Shapiro sinks his fangs into them.

It may sound facetious when one says college is a den of leftist indoctrination. Instances like this prove the sentiment though. It appears many progressives are uninterested in civil debate, especially the ones who help shape the minds of upcoming generations.

Think their thoughts or suffer the consequences!


The post <a href=https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/student-men-sexual-harassment-professor-loses-mind/ target=_blank >Student Says Men Can Be Victims of Sexual Harassment Too. Professor LOSES HIS MIND!</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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