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Socialism Explained in Six Easy Words

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Sometimes it becomes pretty evident that those who support socialism the most, don't really understand what it's all about. They believe it's about fairness and income equality.

In fact, ask a Democrat what the difference is between their party's platform and the concept of socialism and they'll likely have a difficult time telling the two apart.

Maria Cantwell couldn't figure it out. Debbie Wasserman Schultz couldn't answer it.

And Bernie Sanders definitely couldn't answer it.

Cruz: What is the difference between a socialist and a democrat on taxes?

Sanders: I don't know the answer to that. pic.twitter.com/RTjOu2MXhR

— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) November 29, 2017

So we thought it would be considerate to first define what socialism is for our friends on the left side of the aisle. And we thought it would be best to explain it in short, monosyllabic words that they can easily digest.

Without further ado, we present socialism defined in six words:

You make it, they take it.

About sums it up.

Former President Barack Obama once told a plumber, “When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.”

He meant, ‘you do the work and we'll take the reward,' then hand it out to everyone who didn't do any work.

You make it, they take it.

Spreading the wealth around just isn't how things work in the real world.

Margaret Thatcher famously proclaimed, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

The Problem with Socialism is you eventually run out of others people's money – Margaret Thatcher pic.twitter.com/1GbLd1SWoU

— Kevin W (@kwilli1046) October 14, 2017

That's the basis of the Democrat/Socialist party – they're willing to go down that route to find out if they truly can run out of other people's money.

In a column penned in 2016, Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion and Soviet dissident, unloaded on Bernie Sanders' desire to implement socialism in America, telling the Vermont senator, “Don't lecture me about socialism, I lived through it.”

Kasparov reminded Americans that the very discussion of socialism and its merits in the 21st century is only possible because of “the successes of capitalism in the 20th” century.

He reminds people that ‘taxing the rich' and destroying the income of the wealthy would be catastrophic.

“The best way to increase everyone's share of pie is to make the pie bigger,” Kasparov writes. “Not to dismantle the bakery.”

In other words – bake it, don't take it.

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