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So Starbucks. How Did All that Leftist Virtue Signaling Work Out for You?

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Been a heck of a week for you extra pump, half-calf decaf, no-foam soy latte slingers of virtue. A shock considering all the ways your rainbow-flag raising company has invested in the bank of leftism. It's almost like you were expecting a return on investment. A pity.

Since I've been paying attention, Starbucks has thumbed its pompous nose at traditional valued Americans at every opportunity. Delivering lectures with Tall Pikes began with the gay marriage fiasco in Washington State in 2012:

Starbucks is proud to join other leading Northwest employers in support of Washington State legislation recognizing marriage equality for same-sex couples. Starbucks strives to create a company culture that puts our partners first, and our company has a lengthy history of leading and supporting policies that promote equality and inclusion.

Like your rumored cheap beans served with chemical sugar pumps, the taste of victory was sweet. So you cranked the burr grinder to “fine,” and threw the puck. In September of 2013, then CEO Howard Schultz made Starbucks a “gun free zone.”

Few topics in America generate a more polarized and emotional debate than guns. In recent months, Starbucks stores and our partners (employees) who work in our stores have been thrust unwillingly into the middle of this debate. That's why I am writing today with a respectful request that customers no longer bring firearms into our stores or outdoor seating areas.

Then came the infamous #RaceTogether Campaign, where baristas added “Let's talk about race, baby, let's talk about you and me, let's talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be” to the long list of annoying tasks of the day. Because serving customers a non-fat, double tall latte with two pumps of caramel isn't torturing enough. For this one, the people finally pushed back. See Hilarious SNL Sketch Parodies Starbucks Failed #RaceTogether Campaign for reference.

Pushback didn't matter. You wanted to be virtuous little leftists, welcomed into all leftist folds. Mission accomplished.

You didn't stop there. What better way to show how American a company you are than by promising to hire refugees? You were out of touch here, too. Yet again, people just wanted their cups of coffee. Not to be lectured to about how America should accept unvetted migrants. Read ROOM FOR KARMA? Starbucks Popularity and Sales Tank After Refugee Employment Pledge.

Your sales and brand popularity took a little dip for this cause. But who cares. You were a good, loyal, obedient company to and for the liberal lynch mob.

Until now. Two black men allegedly loitered in a Philadelphia store and refused to purchase coffee or leave. I agree this one got blown out of proportion. If I were in one of your stores, I'd just buy a coffee and be done with it. Especially if I was asked to leave for just sitting there taking up space (that's loitering). But no, this one became a national PR nightmare about race. Which you guys wanted to talk about a few years ago. Be careful what you wish for.

Then came the second video of a guy wanting to make a tinkle in your bathroom without being a patron. And, because he was dark white, this became another PR fiasco.

So, I ask you. How did all of that virtue signaling work out? The same people you appeased during the past decade are this week out for your mermaid's head. It doesn't matter how much you supported the LGBT community. Your open letter on guns may as well have been printed on toilet paper. Wiped on transwoman's pooper in the ladies room after one too many sips of the Unicorn Frapp.

The liberal lynch mob, of which you were a sitting board member, has turned on you. For the grievous crime of not granting special rights to people based on their race alone. How dare you apply the laws equally to someone with skin darker than your napkins. People of color deserve more rights, more bathroom privileges, to defy loitering laws and manager requests to leave, simply for having the skin tone resembling that of The Blonde roast.

Your mistake wasn't offering generous libations to the leftist cause. No, your mistake was believing you would not get swept into its destructive path. You fell prey to the liberal lynch mob like so many conservatives have before you. And there you sat in Gay Bay North Seattle, thinking you were safe. Thinking as a member of leftism yourself, you were untouchable.

No one is safe from the vengeful leftist mob. No one is immune from its parasitic attacks. Conservatives would do well to remember this. Don't cave. Stand strong. If Starbucks is targeted, everyone can be.

No matter. I'm sure you'll continue along the leftist path, offering apologies to the mob in hopes you'll be invited back into their hateful graces. Until you're exiled once more.

~ Written by Courtney Kirchoff

The post <a href=https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/so-starbucks-how-did-all-that-leftist-virtue-signaling-work-out-for-you/ target=_blank >So Starbucks. How Did All that Leftist Virtue Signaling Work Out for You?</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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