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Senator Dick Durbin Lets the Cat Out of the Bag: Kavanaugh Accuser Story Is Purely Political

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
The jig is up!

We knew from the beginning that something didn't quite smell right about the whole Brett Kavanaugh accuser story. Over the weekend, a woman came forward alleging that Kavanaugh groped and sexually assaulted her while both were in high school. The story, which has not been substantiated by anything or anyone other than contradicting therapist notes, has taken Washington by storm and thrown the Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation into extreme uncertainty. (RELATED: There's a Discrepancy in Kavanaugh Accuser's Account of Sexual Assault.)

Here's the nagging part about the whole story: The accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, says she came forward with the allegations back in July through a letter to California Senator Dianne Feinstein. Feinstein sat on the letter until now. The timing couldn't be more coincidental: Kavanaugh was due to be voted on by the Senate Judiciary Committee this week.

So why did Feinstein wait until just this moment to drop the letter?

Well, a more cynical observer might think it was deliberate. Feinstein knew that if the allegations were revealed earlier, they could be cleared up in time before a confirmation vote, assuming they are unsubstantiated.

If the allegations were as dire as Feinstein alleged, then there was no reason to sit on them until now. In fact, the sooner a sexual predator is outed, the better, if only for public safety. Feinstein's delay is the first indicator that not everything is as it seems.

Now, we just got further evidence that the entire accuser story may actually be a political ploy after all. When asked if she'll testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Ford affirmed she would. (RELATED: Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Ford Agrees to Republican Wishes – Will Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee.)

What better way to find out the truth of the matter and bring a modicum of justice to Ford, right? Wrong, according to Democrat senator Dick Durbin. Sen. Durbin told a reporter the following:

JUST NOW: @SenatorDurbin told me he supports public testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford…but this week would be too soon.

— John Berman (@JohnBerman) September 17, 2018

SHOCKA! Sen. Dicky Durbin just accidentally proved timing on Christine Blasey Ford's accusations IS absolutely political https://t.co/PVZlCsliMP

— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) September 17, 2018

“Too soon”? How the hell is getting to the bottom of whether or not a Supreme Court justice nominee is a sexual assaulter something that can be done too soon?

That's such a politically b.s. answer that only one explanation suffices: this is a political stunt by Democrats who want to delay the Kavanaugh nomination until after November. Democrats are betting they may take back the Senate. They can then stop any Supreme Court nominee, assuming one doesn't get passed in the lame-duck Congress.

End this charade. Confirm Kavanaugh now. If he's found guilty of what Ford is accusing him of, he can be impeached after.

The post Senator Dick Durbin Lets the Cat Out of the Bag: Kavanaugh Accuser Story Is Purely Political appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/dick-durbin-kavanaugh-accuser/ target=_blank >Senator Dick Durbin Lets the Cat Out of the Bag: Kavanaugh Accuser Story Is Purely Political</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Clean them all out. Toss Feinstein in prison. Toss that Ford Christine [whatever he name is] into prison. Toss Dust-bin-Durbin into prison.

Or -- place a bag (as the title refers) over all of their heads. Clean house now!! Already tired of this circus.
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
CA and TPcat, many predict that this will throw egg on the faces of the desperado obstructionists. The democrats are liars, cheaters and thieves and getting worse every day.

Soon everyone will have a robot to cuddle.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Why isn't there an investigation into Feinstein employing a Chinese spy as her chauffeur for 16 years?
Once again, we can not have two sets of laws in this country. How much more of this open corruption are we going to take?
Only in a sane, non-banana republic world could she (and others who seem to get away with so much) would ever face charges. Starting to look like they are practically Untouchable..
In the 'olden days' decades past -- they would've already been dealt with.

CA and TPcat, many predict that this will throw egg on the faces of the desperado obstructionists.
We can only sit back and hope they'll face justice... in our lifetimes. Fingers crossed.
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