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Report: Hillary Went on F-Word Laced Tirade, Said Trump Doesn’t Belong in the Same Arena

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Gosh, Hillary looking down condescendingly at somebody and not taking them seriously? That's hard to believe. This is, after all, the same woman who called half the country ‘deplorable' because they didn't like her.

According to a new book written by New York Times reporter Amy Chozick, Hillary Clinton would get so fired up during debate prep against Donald Trump during the 2016 election, that she'd eventually drop f-bombs like she was talking to Bill.

During one such practice session, Clinton went on a foul-mouthed rant that included calling Trump ‘disgusting,' a man who didn't even belong on the same stage as her heinous.

“You want authentic, here it is!” the eventual loser allegedly yelled, followed by “a f***-laced fusillade about what a ‘disgusting' human being Trump was and how he didn't deserve to even be in the arena.”

Hillary Clinton unleashed foul-mouthed tirade in Trump debate prep session https://t.co/ayPfulLR9y

— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) April 24, 2018

Hillary has a potty mouth? Who knew?

Well, everybody who has ever worked for her apparently.

According to Ronald Kessler's book Inside the White House, the Hildabeast unloaded on an Arkansas state trooper, saying “Where is the goddamn f***ing flag? I want the goddamn f***ing flag up every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise.”

In the book America Evita by Christopher Anderson, she told state troopers after one of them greeted her to “F*** off!”

“It's enough I have to see you s***-kickers every day!” she added. “I'm not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.”

In 2016, Eric Bonner, a military K9 handler who served in Turkey, posted a story about Hillary Clinton on Facebook that quickly went viral.

“Get that Fcking dog away from me!” –#HillaryClinton
(Screeched at military K9 handler, Staff Sgt. Eric Bonner
) pic.twitter.com/sTVneLKwtZ

— General Halley
(@HalleyBorderCol) August 3, 2016

While she was an f-bomb warrior in the debate prep sessions, Clinton conceded that she backed down to Trump during the actual debates because he was ‘creepy.'

She claimed that during the second debate, which had a town hall format, Trump's presence behind her was intimidating.

Coming up, we'll have a Morning Joe Exclusive on Hillary Clinton's new book, and here is a first look of Clinton discussing a debate. pic.twitter.com/xRkgcoTnKw

— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) August 23, 2017

“Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren't repeatedly invading your space?” she asked. “Or do you turn, look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly: ‘Back up you creep, get away from me.'”

She truly did think that Trump didn't belong in the same arena with her.

Fortunately, Clinton was right … He belonged in the White House.

Did Hillary Clinton belong on the same stage as Trump? Share your thoughts below!

The post Report: Hillary Went on F-Word Laced Tirade, Said Trump Doesn't Belong in the Same Arena appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/hillary-clinton-cursing-trump/ target=_blank >Report: Hillary Went on F-Word Laced Tirade, Said Trump Doesn’t Belong in the Same Arena</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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