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Publishers Try Reinventing Masculinity With New ‘Heroes’ in Children’s Books

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

If you're in need of a good laugh, don't fret. I've got just the tale for you. It seems book publishers want to “recalibrate” what it means to be a man. So, they're tossing out traditional male heroes and replacing them. You're gonna love this:

Publishers are moving away from ‘macho' heroes in non-fiction books for boys and moving towards an ‘alternative type of hero' who to those who ‘checks their privilege'.

Well, this is already off to a great start. According to these “progressive” publishers, masculine excellence requires you to have disdain for masculinity. Good to know.

The publishers aim to move away from the ‘stereotypical idea of masculinity' and action-men style heroes such as Prince Charming and will instead focus on stories of real-life heroes such as Usain Bolt and James Harrison, a blood donor whose rare plasma has saved millions of lives over 50 years.

The first book is called ‘Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different' by Ben Brooks, and will feature stories from 100 men such as Bill Gates, Salvador Dali, Benjamin Zephaniah and Stormzy. Eighties icon George Michael also features in ‘Boys who Dared to Be Different'

Yeah, George Michael is now an icon of masculinity.

Debbie Foy, the publishing director at Wren & Rook, who are publishing The Good Guys said that ‘boys and girls need good male role models.'
She added: ‘Being male doesn't have to involve being a petulant man-baby or a sword-wielding superhero,'

“Forget about all those chest-beating cro-magnons of yore. Neil Armstrong was a crybaby who whined his way to the moon. Kyle Carpenter jumped on a grenade to save his friends. Big deal. George Michael sang ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.' He changed the world.”

Of all the men who've done amazing things throughout history, George Michael was one of the few examples they could conjure.

I'll grant you, heroes come in all sorts of different wrappers, but this seems more like a shot at programming little guys to forsake their masculine ways. What with all the “checking their privilege” and such. Their lesson is rejecting manliness is the manliest thing a boy can do.

Yeah, I think they can keep their lessons. Some of us like the old-fashioned way.

Speaking of that:


The post <a href=https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/publishers-male-heroes/ target=_blank >Publishers Try Reinventing Masculinity With New ‘Heroes’ in Children’s Books</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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