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Protesters Shout Down AOC And Other Democrats Over Illegal Immigration Problem In NYC

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and other New York Democrats were shouted down during a press conference on Friday while speaking to constituents about the flood of illegal aliens that have hit the streets of New York City.

“Close the border!” protesters shouted at the officials. “Close the border! Close the border!”

Other protesters became so aggressive in their confrontation with lawmakers that security personnel had to move them back.


#HAPPENINGNOW "Send Them Back!" and "Close the Border!" – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC press conference was disrupted by Anti-migrant protest outside ROOSEVELT HOTEL used as arrival center and housing for migrants arriving to NYC.

by Ed Quinn [email protected] to license pic.twitter.com/gbnyqJLOeK

— Oliya Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) September 15, 2023
"Mayor Adams said that the city would be destroyed" – Question asked during the gaggle with AOC outside Roosevelt Hotel hosting migrants, "I have to run, thank you" AOC responded.

Video by Ed Quinn [email protected] to license pic.twitter.com/y8ncQ82Z01

— Oliya Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) September 15, 2023
“Ultimately, I think there are three points of consensus here that are very important in getting a solution to this issue,” AOC said. “The first is that there is consensus here across geography and states on increasing federal resources to cities and municipalities dealing with this issue. The second is to allow for work authorizations so that the folks in here can get to work and start supporting themselves as soon as possible.”

“They’re prevented from getting jobs, they’re prevented from employment, and that is part of the strain on our public systems,” she added. “The faster that folks can access the work that they’re asking for, legally, the better we can solve.”

The New York Post spoke with some of the protesters after the event, including 59-year-old David Rem, who slammed the illegal aliens for cutting in line.


“My wife’s children, Diego and Lina, have been waiting seven long years in Medellin, Colombia, to come to this country legally,” he said. “They have paid all the immigration fees and have been fingerprinted by the FBI. They have done everything right — they have been waiting and they haven’t broken federal law by crossing the border illegally, so why not them.”

“You know what’s going to happen, they’re going to say to my kids in a year from now ‘Diego and Lina, sorry but there’s no room for you, the country’s full’,” he continued. “It’s a slap in the face to legal migration.”

He said that “99% of these illegal aliens asylum petitions are not true asylum petitions” and he asked President Joe Biden to close the border.

“It’s two years overdue,” he said. “If you keep rewarding people for breaking federal law by crossing the border and coming to New York illegally, it’s never going to stop.”

The post <a href=https://www.dailywire.com/news/protesters-shout-down-aoc-and-other-democrats-over-illegal-immigration-problem-in-nyc target=_blank >Protesters Shout Down AOC And Other Democrats Over Illegal Immigration Problem In NYC</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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