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Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Says Never Trumpers Deserve To Be Called ‘Human Scum’

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Shelby Talcott on October 24, 2019

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham reiterated President Donald Trump's comment Wednesday that “Never Trumper Republicans” are “human scum,” saying on “Fox & Friends” Thursday that the president shouldn't regret the statement.

The president tweeted Wednesday that America needs to “watch out” for “Never Trumper Republicans,” adding that “they are human scum.” Grisham spoke to “Fox & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade Thursday morning, noting that not only are never Trumpers “human scum,” but anyone against the president falls into that category as well.

Kilmeade asked Grisham if the president should regret his tweet, and the White House press secretary backed Trump and elaborate on his comment.

“No. No he shouldn't,” Grisham said. “The people who are against him, and who have been against him, and working against him since the day they took office are just that.”

“It is horrible that people are working against a president who is delivering results for this country, and has been since day one,” she continued. “And the fact that people continue to try to negate anything that he is doing and take away from the good work he is doing on behalf of the American people, they deserve strong language like that.”

Grisham became White House press secretary in June. During that time, she has not held a press conference because she believes that reporters have used them to make themselves famous.

The post Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham Says Never Trumpers Deserve To Be Called ‘Human Scum' appeared first on The Political Insider.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Scum is pretty tame to what we call commies/RINO's and Never-Trumpers.

(but since it was on TV, Stephanie wouldn't be allowed to call them all a steamy pile of fresh green pile 'O cow s**t).

*actually -- I apologize to cow manure.
Cow pies eventually becomes useful when it breaks down for the soil.

RINO never Trumpers? Not so much. They remain useless.
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