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President Trump and Nikki Haley 2020


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
JustKidding2 minutes ago
I've speculated from day one that President Trump would be a one term president. I've also posted on many sites that Nikki Haley would be our first female President. Nikki Haley is the absolute best role model to represent our first female President. She has strong leadership skills and carries herself as a very sophisticated and poised woman who will bring something quite special to our White House. In contrast, when you look at the other "females" hankering for the POTUS role every one of them are activists, unhinged, unqualified and ill equipped to run an entire country. I believe she will take the next two years to mentor with President Trump. President Trump has saved our country from reckless ruin at the hand of the Bushes, Clinton's and the Obama's. Past presidents were hell bent on selling out America to the rest of the world through progressive globalism which is, in essence, a One World Order and redistribution of America's wealth. They want wide open borders and they would push to change the country by eliminating white people in favor of flooding our country with Europeans, South Americans, gangs and lawlessness. Immigration is good for America but it must be controlled so that we can invite in the most qualified applicants who are willing to do the necessary paperwork to become a US citizen. Refugees from around the world need to stay in their own countries or neighboring countries so that they can eventually go back to the land that they love and were born in to keep their own traditions.
Nikki Haley will won for POTUS position and will have a great presence across the world. My prediction stands: Nikki Haley is the only woman in America even remotely qualified to be President of the United States. She is brilliant, poised, trustworthy and will do a great job running our country.
The left will throw their candidates against Nikki Haley, but no one can beat her. Americans have witnessed the outrageous conduct of Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Bernie Sanders, etc and they are not presidential material. They are activists. Activists should never be sitting in our White House.


Sep 6, 2018
I could not agree more Diane, Nikki needs rest and spend time w/her children and family.
I don’t think Trump will run again and Pence is not POTUS material. Even FAKE CNN / MSNBC see Nikki as big challenge. She is GOP Guarantee to win. FAKE news giving fake speculations— stupid — this time — the TRUTH is what it is.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
I could not agree more Diane, Nikki needs rest and spend time w/her children and family.
I don’t think Trump will run again and Pence is not POTUS material. Even FAKE CNN / MSNBC see Nikki as big challenge. She is GOP Guarantee to win. FAKE news giving fake speculations— stupid — this time — the TRUTH is what it is.
Reactions: JPConservative


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
Nikki also needs to be mentored by Donald Trump for the next several years. Say bye bye to the activists democrats who aspire to be the next president. Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, Lie-A-Watha, Bernie Sanders who are all total activists who haven't a coherent plan for a better America. These activists want to go back to resurrecting globalism which is code for getting rid of white people in America. Australia and New Zealand have stringent laws on immigration into their countries and America must keep her eye on that direction. Hillary, Bill, The Bushes, Obama all worked very hard to change America and change our Constitution which made them all very rich at the expense of killing growth and innovation in America. Donald J. Trump jumped in and he turned it all around. I believe that was his mission from day one which led me to believe that he would be a one term president. He has a fabulous private life and I am sure he would like to get back to living life in the style he was accustomed. I will forever believe him to be the best president we have ever had in America. Nikki Haley has it all. She is poised, disciplined, highly intelligence and is strong. She is not a screeching, loud mouth activist like the women who believe they could be president today. They would be a joke and our country would sink with any one of them as POTUS.

I am not clear on what Hillary's motives are with this newly announced blitz to campaign across America. At $875 a ticket to listen to these two crooked morons seems like a stretch to me. My husband says they need money. After all, The Clinton Foundation hasn't received any pay for play donations for three years or more and that was their cash cow for themselves and to prop up Chelsea. Also, the activist democrats must be crazy mad at Hillary for daring to get in their way for the next election.
Reactions: JPConservative


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
From what I have seen of Nikki Haley, she appears to be a very good candidate for President. She has the experience, charisma, and would make a great first Madam President. Hopefully, the GOP will keep control of both houses and President Trump will be able to MAGA :cool:(y)


Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
Update: Nikki Haley is $1 million in debt and that is the reason she is leaving her position. We need to put up a GoFundMe page for Nikki. If Christine Blasey Ford can raise $1 million for being a liar we certainly could raise a few million for Nikki.
Reactions: JPConservative


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
Update: Nikki Haley is $1 million in debt and that is the reason she is leaving her position. We need to put up a GoFundMe page for Nikki. If Christine Blasey Ford can raise $1 million for being a liar we certainly could raise a few million for Nikki.
Please keep us posted, I would chip as much as I could afford to help her. She has been a shining light on the UN and has helped make the world a better and safer place.