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Pelosi: Judge Kavanaugh Should Not Be Appointed to SCOTUS Because He Responded Too Passionately to Rape Accusations

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
This is the modern day Democrat Party–

Hurl sham rape charges against a Godly man and then attack him when he responds passionately.

Minority leader Nancy Pelosi told Texas liberals Brett Kavanaugh should not be appointed to SCOTUS because he was too passionate in his response to sham groping and gang-rape charges.

Nancy Pelosi: If Judge Kavanaugh, if he is not telling the truth to Congress, or the FBI, then he's not fit not only to be on the Supreme Court but on the court he's on right now. I think that he disqualified himself with those statements and the manner in which he went after the Clintons and the Democrats and the this or the that. There was a way for him to go forward with dignity and without jeopardizing his own objectivity in the public mind. This is a moment in history for our country… There's an attempt on the part of some including maybe the President of the United States to undo #MeToo.

This horrid woman will be Speaker of the House if Republicans don't get off their a$$ and vote in November.

Via Wired Sources:

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi says Judge Brett Kavanaugh shouldn't be approved to the Supreme Court because he responded passionately after being accused by democrats of being a gang rapist pic.twitter.com/J4Zmc1kwMc

— Wired Sources (@WiredSources) September 30, 2018

The post Pelosi: Judge Kavanaugh Should Not Be Appointed to SCOTUS Because He Responded Too Passionately to Rape Accusations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The post <a href=https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/09/pelosi-judge-kavanaugh-should-not-be-appointed-to-scotus-because-he-responded-too-passionately-to-rape-accusations/ target=_blank >Pelosi: Judge Kavanaugh Should Not Be Appointed to SCOTUS Because He Responded Too Passionately to Rape Accusations</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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Active Member
Sep 3, 2018
The democrats have so many old, worn and tattered people in their wading pool who should have life jackets on. Life is hard but it is harder when you are a stupid, old Democrat on the Judiciary committee. Every day I scratch my head wondering how they ever got to be in that room.


Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
What person, having he and his family threatened, accused of horrific acts towards women, his integrity questioned and seeing his entire life & career ruined, wouldn't be upset and passionate in his responses. They should try to put themselves in his shoes. ...No, of course, I know they won't and Democrats would complain no matter how he spoke. They have their end game. Come hell or high water, they will do literally anything to succeed. This will follow him the rest of his life like it has Clarence Thomas, innocent (which I believe Kavanaugh is) or not. Pelosi is vile and Sen. Flake is more than a flake, he is an a-hole. He admitted on 60 Minutes that he wouldn't have done what he did if he was running for reelection.