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Of Tin-Horn Tyrants

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Welcome back, boys and girls and non-binaries, to Uncle B’s GeezerMedia 101 seminar! Let’s discuss how we warp minds, create fear and squelch opposition, so our Glorious Message can ring out unsullied to the eagerly awaiting masses!

Our topic today is our Patron Saint Joseph Goebbels, and how we are resurrecting his Perspicuous Principles of Propaganda, advancing our cause and beliefs throughout the world. Can I get an AMEN!

Maybe it’s because I have a degree in mass media, or I worked for years for the major networks, or because I’ve studied Leni Riefenstahl’s films frame-by-frame, but I am getting some serious Goebbelvibes these days.

Slogans like “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” reek of “Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer”. Campaign tag lines like Hope, Change and Joy are dripping with Goebbel’s simple, clear and emotive methods, repeated to the point of nausea. Goebbels understood mass media, and he pioneered its use as a mass brainwashing tool.

I should note an obvious marketing technique at this point: Kamala Harris’ cackle is seen as a negative in focus groups, kind of like the Joker in Batman, so you take the negative feature and make it a virtue with the slogan “Joy!” Viola! Spin Job 101. Consider that a bonus fun fact.

Back to the topic at hand. Let’s summarize Goebbels’ innovations and see if we can’t find analogies in our current media environment. Here are the primary features of his propaganda machine:

  • Control of Media:
    • Goebbels sought to control every aspect of media, including newspapers, radio, films, theatre, and literature. The Party ensured that all forms of communication were used to promote their ideology and suppress dissenting voices. Any opposition was heavily censored, and the media was saturated with Party messages.
    • Radios were especially important. The Volksempfänger, a cheap and widely available radio, was distributed across the country to ensure that the public could listen to Party broadcasts, including the Leader’s speeches and Party-approved entertainment.
  • Use of Mass Rallies and Spectacles:
  • Massive rallies like the annual Nuremberg Rallies were central to Party propaganda. These grand, theatrical displays, with carefully choreographed parades, symbols, and speeches, created a sense of unity and invincibility around the regime. The rallies were broadcast nationwide, enhancing their impact.
  • Film was used to mythologize Party leaders, with Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will (1935) being one of the most famous examples. This documentary glorified the Leader and the movement, portraying them as unstoppable forces.
  • Scapegoating and Dehumanization:
  • The propaganda relentlessly targeted groups that the Party considered enemies, particularly Jews, Communists, Roma (gypsies), homosexuals, and others. The dehumanization of these groups through films like Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) (1940) and constant references to them as parasites or enemies of the state fueled widespread fear and distrust.
  • Party propaganda portrayed these groups as threats to the Aryan race, which was glorified as the supreme race. This created a common enemy, uniting the population under the Party banner.
Simplified Messages and Repetition:

  • One of Goebbels’ famous principles was that propaganda should be simple and repetitive. Complex or intellectual engagements were seen as less effective. Instead, Goebbels pushed for emotionally charged slogans and messages that would be easy to remember and difficult to refute.
  • Party propaganda was built around strong visual symbols, such as the swastika, and slogans that emphasized nationalism, often repeated until they became ingrained in the public’s consciousness.
Goebbels understood the power of fear, repetition, and emotional appeals. By constantly creating a narrative of external and internal threats, he instilled fear in the population, making them more reliant on the regime for security, by triggering the instinctive threat response of “circling the wagons” in the masses.

The Party controlled all media and cultural outlets, ensuring that only the Party viewpoint was ever presented. Opposition voices were systematically silenced, creating a media landscape with no alternatives to the Party narrative.

The propaganda machine effectively exploited and amplified existing racial and ethnic prejudices. It resonated with historical stereotypes and fears, making it easier to accept the Party portrayal of targeted groups.

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The post Of Tin-Horn Tyrants appeared first on LewRockwell.

The post <a href=https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/10/no_author/of-tin-horn-tyrants/ target=_blank >Of Tin-Horn Tyrants</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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