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New Yorker Fact Checker: Guns are Tubes that Shoot People

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

It was fun watching Mark Zuckerberg get tag-teamed by the Cruz & Sasse Express this week (see Ted Cruz HAMMERS Mark Zuckerberg for Facebook's Anti-Conservative Bias and Ben Sasse Asks Mark Zuckerberg to Define “Hate Speech.” It Doesn't Go Well.). However, both the left and the right got all eye-rolly over all the olds in the Senate questioning Zuck about a thing they know nothing about. Like social media. Or for some, the Internet as a whole. A few others may still get confused by electricity.

Wanting to regulate the internet when you don't understand the internet. Kind of like wanting to regulate guns when you are a moron when it comes to guns. Thankfully the fact checker for the New Yorker (at least according to her bio) came through to prove that point.

they're tubes that shoot people sean

— Talia Lavin (@chick_in_kiev) April 11, 2018

Okay, so obviously she's been a little facetious here. We know she's joking about “tubes” and stuff. Fine. However:

you put little metal bits in the tube and they go fast to destroy people and things. its not that complicated

— Talia Lavin (@chick_in_kiev) April 11, 2018

So we're clear, we're not asking people to know the difference in brand names. You should, however, at the very least know guns don't actually shoot anyone. They are inanimate objects.

Another criticism is with people who claim they don't want to ban handguns. Just semi-automatic weapons, which most handguns are. Gun rights advocates at least need you to know the difference. Or at least know that you're an assclown for being so stupid.

However, it's clear these are all nuances that don't matter to fact checker lady.

if it goes BOOM and kills people i want it banned and also to take them from you end of conversation bye enjoy your very important tubes xoxo

— Talia Lavin (@chick_in_kiev) April 11, 2018

It really is refreshing that leftists aren't even pretending anymore. It makes things so much easier.

Most importantly, this is the problem when people say they are using “fact checkers.” Most of them don't actually check facts. They are just bitterly partisan leftists like Lavin. Using “fact-checking” as a guise to nitpick over rhetoric. And claim you are wrong when they don't have the mental skills to actually prove you're wrong. Because it's not your facts that are wrong as much as it is your opinion.


The post <a href=https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/new-yorker-fact-checker-guns-are-tubes-that-shoot-people/ target=_blank >New Yorker Fact Checker: Guns are Tubes that Shoot People</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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