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MSNBC Panel Mocks Trump’s Medical History, Speculates He Has ‘Sexual Dysfunction’

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

An MSNBC panel on Tuesday made fun of President Donald Trump for medication he's reportedly taken and speculated about his sexual performance.

Chris Hayes, the host of MSNBC's "All In," joined with the panelists to accuse Trump of "mafia-like tactics" for "robbing" his former physician by taking his medical records. Dr. Harold Bornstein told the New York Times last year that Trump took hair-loss medication, and on Tuesday he accused Trump or "raiding" his office afterward for his medical records, but the White House denies the charge, saying Trump lawfully obtained the documents.

Hayes and the panelists discussed the matter under the assumption that Trump "robbed" Bornstein, while making fun of him for his medical history.

"This is indicative of how Trump runs his business," Jess McIntosh of ShareBlue Media said. "I don't want to get caught up in how funny it is because there's nothing funny about him applying these absolutely mafia-like tactics to our country."

"He sent a White House employee to go through — to rob someone, as far as we can tell," Hayes replied. "That's what is being claimed."

The White House said the document handover occurred peacefully, and Bornstein did not involve the police at the time.

Gwenda Blair, who wrote a biography of the Trump family, chimed in to accuse Trump of having something to hide not just about his health, but his taxes.

"Made me think about those tax returns," Blair said. "You can't see the tax returns. He doesn't want people to see stuff that's his stuff."

Then she speculated about Trump's health problems.

"Propecia is associated, you know, is used for hair loss—he doesn't want to talk about that," Blair said. "It's also associated — it has a lot of bad side effects including sexual dysfunction. I think he really doesn't want to talk about that."

After Hayes and the other panelists laughed, the host declared his intention to "stand up" for principle regarding private medical information.

"I want to stand up for the principle that doctors should not give interviews about the medications they prescribe for their patients in any circumstance whatsoever," Hayes said.

This is not the first time "All In" has spent time speculating on Trump's sexual performance. In January, MSNBC analyst Anand Giridharadas said Trump's "profound sexual and masculine insecurities are literally threatening to annihilate the planet."

The post MSNBC Panel Mocks Trump's Medical History, Speculates He Has ‘Sexual Dysfunction' appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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