Yesterday, President Trump fulfilled his promise to fully release the JFK Files — some 80,000 pages worth!
I’m guessing you maybe haven’t had time to read all 80,000 pages yet, so I thought I’d bring you a summary of the biggest things we’ve learned so far.
After all, that’s my job!
I think the best place to start is this post from BioClandestine, who points out the first thing we need to really address here, which is that you shouldn’t expect for there to be some big smoking gun….
There’s not going to be a document in there that says “We killed JFK, Sincerely, The CIA”.
By their very nature, the documents aren’t like that.
They need to be read in context and read together and then read between the lines to really glean the truth.
So I think this is an excellent place to start and very well said by BioClandestine:
AI is an amazing tool, but it’s not the arbiter of truth. It’s not the be-all end-all, and it’s not 100% accurate.
If you want to actually understand what’s in the JFK files, you are going to have to read them, and you are going to have to draw some conclusions for yourself.…
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) March 19, 2025
But we won’t end there….AI is an amazing tool, but it’s not the arbiter of truth. It’s not the be-all end-all, and it’s not 100% accurate.
If you want to actually understand what’s in the JFK files, you are going to have to read them, and you are going to have to draw some conclusions for yourself.
There’s not going to be an official CIA doc that says “we killed JFK”, there is just a mountainous accumulation of evidence that the CIA were engaged in unfathomable criminality, to include:
-Regime change
-Biological warfare
-Political warfare
-Psychological warfare
-Global control of media
-Black market activities
-Gun/drug trafficking
The reason Trump wanted to drop these JFK files, is because of the parallels to what is happening now. Trump is trying to educate the masses on how the game is played, so they can better understand what is happening in today’s world.
The JFK files are a detailed outline of the Deep State playbook. It shows how the Deep State operate, and this playbook is utilized to this day.
This will be necessary knowledge for the public to have when it comes time to reveal:
-Who tried to assassinate Trump
-Who created Covid
-Who opened the southern border
-Who weaponized the media
-Who conducted regime change in Ukraine
It’s the same exact playbook.
This rollout is coordinated. They started with JFK for a reason. There is method to the madness!
Let’s keep going.
The JFK files show that the CIA were engaged in:
-Regime change
-Biological warfare
-Political/Psychological warfare
-Global media control
-Mass propaganda
Sound familiar?
There are so many parallels between what happened then and what is happening now.
The CIA never changed.
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) March 19, 2025
Many are claiming that “Israel” has been redacted from the documents multiple times, leading many to draw the conclusion that Israel or the Mossad were involved:The JFK files show that the CIA were engaged in:
-Regime change
-Biological warfare
-Political/Psychological warfare
-Global media control
-Mass propaganda
Sound familiar?
There are so many parallels between what happened then and what is happening now.
The CIA never changed.
OK release JFK files but omit everything about Israel. There's your answer without answering. Israel did it.
— Ryan Dawson (@RyLiberty) March 19, 2025
On a related note, this Israeli-related document is not just redacted but MISSING:The JFK Files are out. There are a lot of hot claims coming in.
Let's start with Israel…
— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) March 19, 2025
Another big stand-out is this document which purports to reference a letter from JFK to then-Senator Joe Biden saying: “Dear Sen. Biden: You are a traitor.”One of the most important documents in the JFK files is MISSING.
The testimony of CIA counterintelligence chief-turned Israeli spy, James Angleton, before a secret session with the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities.
The document number is:
— Stew Peters (@realstewpeters) March 19, 2025
More here:The JFK files provide more evidence that Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is and has always been a traitor.
— SULLY (@SULLY10X) March 19, 2025
So what do the JFK Files tell us so far?
– JFK called Joe Biden a Traitor
– CIA orchestrated the entire assassination
– Links to Mossad & Israel
– Ties to the Khazarian Mafia?
– Gary Underhill was murdered after revealing it was a CIA operation
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) March 19, 2025
Gary Underhill is a big topic, allegedly killed after claiming the CIA killed Kennedy:So what do the JFK Files tell us so far?
– JFK called Joe Biden a Traitor
– CIA orchestrated the entire assassination
– Links to Mossad & Israel
– Ties to the Khazarian Mafia?
– Gary Underhill was murdered after revealing it was a CIA operation
Great summary here from MJ Truth:JFK Files Release – 104-10170-10145.pdf
Anyone know what this is about?
— Tim Pool (@Timcast) March 19, 2025
Groundbreaking document shows Oswald’s Commander went on Record to state that Oswald was in-fact Recruited by the CIA IN JAPAN
• This declassified CIA cable from 1996 provides compelling evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was, in fact, a CIA asset,…
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) March 19, 2025
Confirms Marilyn Monroe was used as a CIA asset and sheds more light on perhaps the reason she had such an early and untimely death:BREAKING UPDATE: JFK Files![]()
Groundbreaking document shows Oswald’s Commander went on Record to state that Oswald was in-fact Recruited by the CIA IN JAPAN
• This declassified CIA cable from 1996 provides compelling evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was, in fact, a CIA asset, according to his Commander at the time.
• The cable’s very existence—marked “SECRET” and addressing a specific media inquiry about Oswald’s CIA ties in Japan—reveals an agency on high alert, carefully managing a narrative that threatens to expose a long-buried secret: Oswald’s recruitment by the CIA during his time at the Atsugi Naval Air Facility in the late 1950s.
• Consider the context… Oswald was stationed at Atsugi, a known CIA hub for covert operations, including U-2 spy plane missions, from 1957 to 1958.
• The cable confirms that as late as 1996, a credible UPI reporter was pursuing a story that Oswald was recruited by the CIA during this period, per Oswald’s commanding officer.
The CIA’s response—refusing to comment, redirecting the reporter to declassified records, and suggesting they pursue official channels—appears less like a dismissal and more like a calculated deflection.
If Oswald had no connection to the CIA, why would the agency need to coordinate such a high-level, internal response to a journalist’s inquiry more than 30 years after the assassination?
The answer lies in what the CIA isn’t saying: Oswald was THEIR man.
• The cable’s language and tone suggest the CIA was deeply concerned about the story gaining traction.
By advising the press officer to avoid commenting and redirect the reporter, the agency was not merely following protocol—it was actively suppressing a truth that could unravel the official narrative of the JFK assassination.
• my thought process…. The fact that the CIA had already declassified some of Oswald’s personal history for public use, as noted in the cable, could be interpreted as a strategic move to release just enough information to appear transparent while withholding the most damning evidence: that Oswald was recruited, trained, and groomed by the CIA during his time in Japan.
Oswald’s later actions—his defection to the Soviet Union in 1959, his return to the U.S. in 1962, and his eventual role in the assassination of JFK in 1963—fit the profile of a CIA asset operating under deep cover.
His time at Atsugi would have been the perfect opportunity for the CIA to recruit a young, impressionable Marine, potentially using him as a double agent or informant during the Cold War.
The cable’s mention of a “long-shot” CIA-related story in a Japanese journal further hints at the possibility that fragments of this truth were already leaking out, forcing the CIA to manage the fallout.
In this light, this cable is not just a bureaucratic response—it’s a smoking fooking gun.
Two posts from Newsmax state things very well….CIA used Marilyn Monroe as an asset.![]()
Lots of explosive stuff in the JFK declass files.
Marilyn Monroe died at age 36 mysteriously
Record number = 104-10122-10346
— # ℍ (@WarHorizon) March 19, 2025
By and large, the documents don’t contain any new “bombshells” — rather, they confirm what we already knew we knew, if you know what I mean:
Trump’s release of the JFK files should be celebrated NOT because it gave us answers we didn’t already know; but because it acknowledges—for the first time—that we DID know.
We KNEW what evil our Government was capable of… and Trump brings us the antidote.
— Chanel Rion OAN (@ChanelRion) March 19, 2025
And I’ll end with this, because I saved it for last..@CarlHigbie on JFK files: "By all accounts released, it appears that our own government assassinated the President of the United States."
— NEWSMAX (@NEWSMAX) March 19, 2025
I thought it was very interesting that the documents very clearly state that the Catholic Church was “exploitable” and used as a key asset in its propaganda network:
JFK files reveal the CIA saw the Roman Catholic Church as a key asset in its propaganda network, claiming "exploitable access" to its inner workings.
The CIA exploited women, labor, students, teachers, and others.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) March 19, 2025
In related news, I didn’t need the JFK Files to figure this out:JFK files reveal that the Roman Catholic Church has been infiltrated & used as a ‘cover’![]()
— Orthodox Canonist (@WWNHost) March 19, 2025
MEMO TO THE CATHOLICS: Please Stop Praying To Mary and Angels
This post may ruffle some feathers, and I am ok with that...
We have one founding Mission around here that is paramount to everything else: Print the Truth.
That's what we've done since Day 1 back in 2015 and that's what we'll do for the next 50 years as long as I remain in the Editor's chair.
Print the truth without bias....
Without censorship....
Wherever we find it, whether that's in politics, religion...anywhere!
So today I have to tackle a tough topic with the Catholics, but I do it out of love and in furtherance of our Mission.
I also want to say Catholics are good people and despite my disagreement with them on this point, they are absolutely still Christians. And they are of course always welcome here, just as everyone is, even if we disagree on something.
Ok, so with all of those disclaimers out of the way, let's jump right in....
It all started a few days ago when I posted this article:
The Catholics were NOT happy with me when I commented that as a baby Christian I don't think President Trump knows any better and his heart is in the right place, but the Catholics have had centuries to fix this and they still continue to pray to Mary and to Angels.
Well, that did not go over well....
The Catholics came out in full force in the comments section and boy did it get spicy (as I knew it would)!
What I quickly learned was that not even all of them agree, and most simply had an emotional reaction.
Most simply have always prayed to Mary and prayed to Angels because it's their tradition, it's what they were taught. They can't really defend it and they get very emotional when told it might be wrong.
If possible, I'd like to take as much emotion out of it and simply offer the Catholics some food for thought.
Because I do think it's very important.
I don't believe it rises to the level of a core salvation issue, you can (wrongly) pray to Mary and believe in Jesus and still end up in Heaven, but wouldn't you like to fix things now if your compass was off?
So that's the goal of this article.
I have no doubt a brand new firestorm will erupt in the comments section of this article, and I'm ok with that. But I have to publish this article.
I want to start with the most common theme I read from all the Catholics in the last article, which was basically this: "We don't really pray to Mary, we just ask her to intercede for us on our behalf. What's wrong with that? Haven't you ever asked a friend to pray for you? Same thing!"
I'd love to address that.
The first thing that's wrong with that is it's in direct conflict with 1 Timothy 2:5 which says the following:
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus." (NIV)
It's almost as if God knew some people would try to pray to Mary or pray to Angels and so he put this verse in the Bible as a caution.
The finished work of Jesus is sufficient, you don't need to add anything to it!
You don't need Jesus + Mary.
As I told one person, I very good rule of thumb for anything theological, is any time you find yourself doing the formula of needing "Jesus + _" you're probably in dangerous territory.
Jesus alone is sufficient.
In the Old Testament, man needed a mediator with God.
After the death and resurrection of Jesus, 1 Timothy 2:5 tells us now there is only ONE mediator between God and mankind, and it doesn't involve Mary as the relay rally assistant. Do not cheapen the finished work of Jesus Christ.
It reminds of that classic "What would you say you DO here" scene from Office Space -- where the one guy's job is completely unnecessary:
Funny clip to prove a point -- you don't need an intermediary just like "Initech" didn't need that employee.
Ok, moving on....
Next up, let's talk basic logistics.
For the people who say they just ask Mary to pray for them and it's just like asking a friend to pray for you, let's talk about that.
Mary is a human who lived, died and by all accounts is now in Heaven. On that we agree, right?
While she played an incredibly special role in the Bible and in human history, there is absolutely nothing at all in the Bible to suggest she had any "super human" abilities or that she is "Godlike" in Heaven.
In other words, there is absolutely no evidence of any kind to suggest Mary can hear your prayers in the first place! She is one human being who is not omniscient, omnipresent or omni-powerful. There is ZERO evidence of any kind, certainly nothing in the Bible, to suggest now that Mary is up in Heaven with the ability to hear millions of Catholic prayers all day long.
Don't you think that's a bit silly?
My dead Grandfather cannot hear my prayers.
Neither can Mary.
So to answer the question "how is it different from asking my friend to pray for me?" -- the answer is very simple: they can hear me and respond.
In addition, Deuteronomy 18:10-12 specifically prohibits "consulting with the dead":
“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you.” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12, NIV)
We typically think of that as talking to mediums or diving spirits, but thinking you are are sending messages to Mary is also "consulting with the dead." Mary lived 2000 years ago. Her human body is currently dead. Depending on what you believe about when we go to Heaven, she is either in Heaven right now or will be. But the Bible makes clear you are not to be consulting with her.
Ok moving on....
You know what would be really nice and could quickly settle this thing?
If Jesus in the Bible ever gave us a template for praying.
That would really clear things up!
I sure do wish.....OH! Wait a minute! He did!
Oh wait a minute, oh gee this is appears I am completely off base. I must apologize to the Catholics. I am consulting with the LORD's Prayer and I clearly see now that it starts off with "Hail Mary, full of grace"....
Oh wait, no it doesn't!
It actually goes like this, doesn't it?
"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one."
(Matthew 6:9-13, NIV)
Folks, Jesus taught us the format for how to pray and it did not include praying to Mary or to Angels.
Now let's talk about Angels for a minute.
Are we to pray to them?
The Bible makes clear in multiple places that we are not to Worship Angels:
- Revelation 19:9-10
Then the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!" And he added, "These are the true words of God." At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God!"
Here, the angel explicitly tells John not to worship him, redirecting John's worship to God. - Revelation 22:8-9
I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. But he said to me, "Don't do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!"
Once again, John attempts to worship an angel, but the angel immediately tells him to stop and directs him to worship God alone.
As with Mary, there is exactly ZERO evidence of any kind, certainly none in the Bible, to suggest that Angels can "hear prayers".
Beyond that, the verses above make it very clear that we are not to worship or pray to these beings -- while they are powerful and special beings God created, the Angels themselves constantly say "I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers and sisters." You do not pray to fellow servants. Sorry, you just don't.
To wrap things up, I thought it might be fun to turn to one of my favorite Biblical authorities, Dr. Michael Heiser.
Sadly, Dr. Heiser died a few years ago, and while he was a prolific publisher in written form and video/podcast, I wasn't able to find a teaching he did on this topic.
So I did something really fun, and honestly it completely boggles my mind that we live in a world where we can do this -- but we can.
I went to ChatGPT and I asked for it to give me a teaching in the voice, style and beliefs of Dr. Michael Heiser on whether or not we should pray to Mary or to Angels. And what it gave me is INCREDIBLE!
If you are familiar with Dr. Heiser's teachings and know his "voice" you'll see ChatGPT captured this perfectly. I can literally hear him speaking as I read this.
So I leave you with this, from a virtual "Dr. Heiser".
A man a bit kinder and a lot smarter than me to really take this home:
"Alright, folks, today we're going to talk about a topic that often stirs up a lot of questions in Christian circles: the practice of praying to Mary and to angels. This is something that many Catholics do, and it’s worth looking at this through the lens of Scripture.
Now, let me just start by saying that Mary is incredibly important in the biblical story. She is, after all, the mother of Jesus—the Messiah. But we need to make a distinction here. What does the Bible actually say about Mary’s role, and is there any biblical precedent for praying to her?
When we go to the text, we see that Mary is honored as someone who is blessed among women, and she is called the "Mother of my Lord" by Elizabeth in Luke 1. That’s high praise, and it's deserved. But here's the key thing: there’s no place in the New Testament where we are told to pray to Mary. In fact, prayer is always directed to God.
The Bible is really clear on who our mediator is. Paul, in his letter to Timothy, says that there is one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). That’s a pretty strong statement—one mediator. Not two, not three. Just one. So when we’re talking about prayer, biblically, it’s supposed to go directly to God, through Jesus Christ. That’s the pattern we’re given.
Now, let’s talk about angels for a moment. Angels are real—there’s no debate there. I’ve spent much of my career studying the unseen realm and the spiritual beings that populate the Bible. Angels are part of God’s divine council. They serve as messengers, as warriors, and sometimes they carry out God’s will in the material world. They are important figures in the spiritual realm, no doubt about it.
But, again, what does the Bible say about praying to angels? You won’t find a passage that instructs believers to pray to angels. The Bible is quite clear that angels are God’s servants. They are powerful, yes, but they aren’t supposed to be the recipients of our prayers. In fact, when John, in the book of Revelation, tries to bow down to an angel, the angel tells him to stop, saying, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus” (Revelation 19:10). So angels themselves reject that kind of veneration.
Prayer is something that is reserved for God alone. Prayer is a form of worship, and worship is supposed to be directed toward the Creator, not the creation. Angels are part of creation, just like us, though they are in the spiritual realm. And while they may assist us, they don’t have the power to answer prayers. That’s God’s job.
I understand that some of these practices come from long-standing traditions, especially within Catholicism. And I’m not here to pick a fight with Catholic theology—I think it’s important to understand where these traditions come from. But as someone who is committed to the authority of Scripture, I have to ask: are these practices supported by the biblical text? And the answer is no, they aren’t.
What we see in the New Testament is that Jesus is our mediator. He’s the one who intercedes for us before the Father. Hebrews 4:16 says we can approach the throne of grace with confidence because of Jesus, and it’s through Him that we receive help in our time of need. Jesus doesn’t need help to mediate for us. He doesn’t need a co-mediator. That’s not how it’s set up in the New Testament.
So, to wrap this up, while it’s clear that Mary and the angels have their roles in God’s divine plan, when it comes to prayer, we need to be focused on God. God is the one who hears and answers our prayers, and that’s something that’s made possible through Jesus, who is our mediator and high priest. Praying to anyone else—whether it’s Mary, angels, or any other spiritual being—just isn’t supported by the Bible.
And that’s really the heart of the issue. We want to stay faithful to what Scripture teaches, and when it comes to prayer, the Bible directs us to God and God alone. Thanks for listening."
I'll see you down in the comments section!
Noah out.
The post <a href= target=_blank >Here’s Everything We Know From The JFK Files So Far….</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House
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