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Don’t ‘Believe Women.’ Believe Evidence.


Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
By Michelle Malkin September 19, 2018

Such bloviations are moral and intellectual abominations that insult every human being of sound mind and soul.

I have a message for virtue-signaling men who’ve rushed to embrace Me Too operatives hurling uncorroborated sexual-assault allegations into the chaotic court of public opinion.

Stuff it.

Your blanket “Believe Women” bloviations are moral and intellectual abominations that insult every human being of sound mind and soul.

A certain class of Never Trump harrumphers are leading the charge on behalf of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s memory-addled partisan accuser Christine Blasey Ford — who cannot recall the year she was allegedly traumatized, where it happened, who threw the party that paralyzed her for nearly four decades, how many were in attendance during her claimed assault, how she got there, or how she left.

No matter! Bush campaign hack–turned–ABC News analyst Matthew Dowd doesn’t need any data to analyze. “Enough with the ‘he said, she said’ storyline,” he declared this week. “If this is he said, she said, then let’s believe the she in these scenarios. She has nothing to gain, and everything to lose. For 250 years we have believed the he in these scenarios. Enough is enough.”

Clinton/Kerry flack Peter Daou echoed the unthinking sentiment: “To everyone on the right who says I’m being selective, I BELIEVE WOMEN whether the accused is a Republican or Democrat. And yes, that includes all the names you’re throwing at me. My default in these situations is to BELIEVE WOMEN.”

Ivy League poobah Simon Hedlin asserted: “Accusers go public not because of any supposed benefits but despite the immense costs.” He argued: “When somebody is credibly accused of sexual misconduct, the default should be to believe the accuser.”

That is a dumb and dangerous default. The costly toll of “believing women,” instead of believing evidence, can be seen in the hundreds and hundreds of cases recorded by the University of Michigan Law School’s National Registry of Exonerations involving innocent men falsely accused of rape and rape/murders.

One of those men whose plight I’ve reported on for CRTV and my syndicated column, former Fort Worth police officer Brian Franklin, spent 21 years of a life sentence in prison after he was convicted in 1995 of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl who had committed perjury on the stand. Franklin vigilantly maintained his innocence, studied law in the prison library, and won a reversal of his conviction in 2016. The jury took less than two hours to acquit him. But his name is still not clear. He recently submitted a 200-page application for a pardon for innocence and cannot do what he wants to do — return to law enforcement — unless the members of the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles (along with Texas constitutional conservatives who pay lip service to truth, justice, and due process) do the right thing.

In Philadelphia, Anthony Wright also served more than two decades behind bars, like Franklin. He was convicted in 1993 for a brutal rape and murder of an elderly woman. It was a female prosecutor, Bridget Kirn, who “failed to alert the Court or the jury to what she personally knew was the falsity of [police detectives’] testimony, or otherwise honor her ethical duty to correct it,” according to Wright’s lawyers with the Innocence Project. They have filed a lawsuit directly aimed at the prosecutor this week to hold her accountable for her criminal falsehoods.

And just this week, Oregonian Joshua Horner, serving a 50-year sentence for sexual abuse of a young girl, was exonerated after a dog that the accuser had claimed he shot dead was found alive. There had been no DNA, no corroborating witnesses, and no other forensic evidence — just the word of a girl whose contradictions and memory problems were explained away as “post-traumatic stress” while an innocent man nearly drowned.

The idea that all women and girls must be telling the truth at all times about sexual-assault allegations because they “have nothing to gain” is perilously detached from reality. Retired NYPD special-victims-squad detective John Savino, forensic scientist and criminal profiler of the Forensic Criminology Institute Brent Turvey, and forensic psychologist Aurelio Coronado Mares detail the myriad “prosocial” and “antisocial” lies people tell in their textbook False Allegations: Investigative and Forensic Issues in Fraudulent Reports of Crime.

“Prosocial deceptions” involve specific motives beneficial to both the deceiver and the deceived, including the incentives to “preserve the dignity of others”; to gain “financial benefit” for another; to protect a relationship; for “ego-boosting or image protection (of others)”; and for “protecting others from harm or consequence.”

“Antisocial” lies involve selfish motives to “further a personal agenda at some cost to others,” including “self-deception and rationalization to protect or boost self-esteem”; “enhance status or perception in the eyes of others”; “garner sympathy”; “avoid social stigma”; “conceal inadequacy, error, and culpability”; “avoid consequence”; and for “personal and/or material gain.”

Let me repeat the themes of my work in this area for the past two years to counter the “Believe Women” baloney:

The role of the press should be verification, not validation.

Rape is a devastating crime. So is lying about it.

It’s not victim-blaming to get to the bottom of the truth. It’s liar-shaming.

Don’t believe a gender. Believe evidence.



Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
In Evaluating Credibility, the Signs Point in Brett Kavanaugh’s Favor

By Dan McLaughlin September 20, 2018

Weighing these particular facts in this particular case.

It’s always a good idea, in politics, to evaluate accusations against your friends as if they were made against your enemies, and to evaluate accusations against your enemies as if they were made against your friends. That doesn’t mean you never give your friends some benefit of the doubt, but it does mean you should have some general principles and guideposts for making sense of charges and counter-charges that don’t change based on the R or D after the names. Or better still, ask, “How would I evaluate an explosive allegation if I had no dog in the fight?” Try doing that with the allegation by Palo Alto University psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford that Judge Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape her at a high-school party in or about 1982, when Kavanaugh was 17 and Ford was 15.

There are two unfair and irrational ways to look at this allegation. One, of course, is simply to decide that because you already opposed or supported Kavanaugh, that should determine whether you think the charge is true (or useful). That’s the partisan route, and it treats individuals caught up in political fights as fungible and disposable parts.

The other is to decide that, because the allegations remind you vaguely of some charge in the past that turned out to be true, or false, or because you want accusers to generally be believed, you should just decide the same has to be true here regardless of the particular facts. Down that path lies the line of reasoning that says, “A guy this color mugged me once, so they must all be criminals.” It may serve Democrats’ political purposes to make this a referendum on all sexual-assault charges by all women, but of course they don’t believe it themselves — they would not do that if this were a valued member of the Democratic team such as Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, or Sherrod Brown.

The particular facts always matter in particular cases; nothing is more essential to the work of lawyers than to understand this. Facts are stubborn things. In evaluating the charge against Kavanaugh, we should first ask how serious it is, and then how credible it is. The tools we should use are the same ones we would use regardless of who the accused and the accuser are. And we should also look at how the various participants in this controversy are acting, as that can tell us something about what they believe the truth is.

Cont. @ https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/09/brett-kavanaugh-assault-allegations-evaluating-credibility/
Reactions: TPcat78


Sep 6, 2018
Dems change narrative to suit themselves, you need a psychic for this evidence. FBI would have to hold a Seance to investigate this story from the Twilight Zone.
They may have her appear on 60 minutes a week before mid-terms. That obvious stunt should backfire. This woman needs to go before Senate under Oath and Explain her accusations on Monday. Let her bring witnesses!


Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
Agree, but she has her excuses as to why not. She has until tomorrow to decide. If she doesn't, the vote goes on anyway. Her claim smells to high heaven.


Sep 6, 2018
Does this forever taint Kavanaugh’s reputation and credibility? Normal people will go by facts,evidence. The far left will question every decision he makes and his position will be worse than Clarence Thomas. There will be ghosts in their careers, while others don’t have any slanderous defamation’s of character.


Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
Why Sexual Assault Memories Stick

Christine Blasey Ford says she has a vivid memory of an attack that took place when she was 15. That makes sense.

By Richard A. Friedman , psychiatrist, Sept. 19, 2018


Let's take another look, shall we New York Times?:

A vivid memory of which she can recall no details. That makes sense.

A vivid memory that she is refusing to share under oath before the Senate. After she makes these allegations. That makes sense.

A vivid memory that has no corroborating evidence.

Being open to believing women and believing all women regardless of circumstance are two very different things, the latter being undeniably dangerous.
Reactions: Sheila


Sep 6, 2018
I understand her odd story more after reading year-book and the promiscuous sex cult of binge drinking and lots of sex at her private school, Holton Arms. Many got passed out drunk and the thing was NOT TO remember the night —- the memory lapse would happen with binge drinking and being Wasted. Now, she wants more time to consider about testifying, it would not be Monday. To me, everything looks up in the air with her decisions and she is pushing for FBI investigation into this odd sequence of events. FBI needs. psychic to investigate this loose case,
a seance would help.


Sep 6, 2018
I think Kavanaugh looks better than her, but far left are on war path stampede to promote her as a REAL victim of Kavanaugh. These dem senators are crazy too, Sheldon Whitehouse, dem, RI is over-the-top unhinged demanding FBI to investigate her charges of molestation. These dems want an FBI crime investigation
not a background check! Also, Whitehouse just told Jake Tapper if Kavanaugh gets on SCOTUS and dems win House.
They intend to re-open this case
and force FBI to investigate criminal charges.
HYPOCRISY- Hillary should never be investigated.
GOD SAVE USA if these idiots regain power!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Littlehampton, UK
No matter! Bush campaign hack–turned–ABC News analyst Matthew Dowd doesn’t need any data to analyze. “Enough with the ‘he said, she said’ storyline,” he declared this week. “If this is he said, she said, then let’s believe the she in these scenarios. She has nothing to gain, and everything to lose. For 250 years we have believed the he in these scenarios. Enough is enough.”
How many men have had their careers and marriages ruined by false allegations?
Also, why isn't that rule applied to Democrats?

A vivid memory of which she can recall no details. That makes sense.

A vivid memory that she is refusing to share under oath before the Senate. After she makes these allegations. That makes sense.

A vivid memory that has no corroborating evidence.
I have a vivid memory of hearing reindeer landing on my roof, hearing bells and a jolly fat man laughing when I was a young child on Christmas night. Therefore, Santa is real!


Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
How many men have had their careers and marriages ruined by false allegations?
Also, why isn't that rule applied to Democrats?

I have a vivid memory of hearing reindeer landing on my roof, hearing bells and a jolly fat man laughing when I was a young child on Christmas night. Therefore, Santa is real!
Amazing! I have that same exact vivid memory! ;)


Active Member
Sep 5, 2018
Website that archived Blasey Ford's high school yearbook disappears from Google-owned Blogspot
By Thomas Lifson

Now that the high school days of Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are the most important issue facing Americans (according to the media, anyway), it is certainly odd that evidence of student norms at Blasey Ford's own alma mater is being "disappeared" from the web. First, the yearbook of Holton-Arms High School, the all-girls private academy she attended, was scrubbed from the web on September 17, 2018.

But that effort to withhold from the public pictures like this:


...was foiled by a website – one I had never before heard of – called "The Cult of the 1st Amendment," which archived the whole thing, making it available for study.

Now, most curiously, The Cult of the 1st Amendment has disappeared from its host, Blogspot, which happens to be owned by Google. It has been "removed":


Fortunately, another website, The Washington Standard, also archived the pictures – for now. Tim Brown writes:

I received an email today asking that I make sure to preserve the information that was obtained and written about at the now removed Google blogspot site, Cult of the 1st Amendment, which quickly grabbed up several pictures of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's yearbook and provided at least three articles on various aspects of the yearbook and campus life. In following through with that, I have preserved both the articles and the pictures on TheWashingtonStandard.com.

The three articles are titled:




This is very important that the truth of these articles remain in the public square due to the libelous and slanderous accusations that have been leveled at Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings.

I have no knowledge of why The Cult of the 1st Amendment was removed, but I do know that Google has amply demonstrated that its employees harbor an animus toward conservatives. The latest evidence, via Breitbart:

A senior software engineer at Google with responsibility for a key feature of Google's search engine labeled Tennessee Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) a "violent thug" and a "terrorist," who Google shouldn't "negotiate" with, according to internal emails obtained by Breitbart News. The employee also defended the censorship of her campaign ads on social media.

The comments took place in an internal email discussion that began on June 19 this year. The topic of discussion was Rep. Blackburn's Fox News op-ed of the same month, which urged Silicon Valley companies to address bias against conservatives on their platforms. Blackburn, who has herself been the target of social media censorship, has been a vocal critic of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter during her time in Congress.

The op-ed was not well received within the corridors of Silicon Valley power. One Google employee, a site reliability engineer, called Blackburn's piece "hilarious" and said Republicans are becoming "tribalists focused on stirring up outrage to maintain power."

If you are not alarmed by the power Google, a company dominated by far leftists, you are not paying attention. I don't know the specifics of the removal of the Cult of the 1st, but Google has forfeited the benefit of the doubt. Google should hire Jack Nicholson to be its corporate spokesman:


Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Website that archived Blasey Ford's high school yearbook disappears from Google-owned Blogspot
Great share, Jayhawker.

These are truly disturbing times we're living in. We've all read about tyrannical behavior like this happening during the 20th century, but few people ever thought it could happen here. This is past the beginning of it. Censorship is occurring more frequently and out in the open, with little, if any, consequences.

This is a big part of why we started this forum. We have a large Facebook page, but only a tiny fraction of our followers receive our posts, due to Facebook's throttling. It's like fighting city hall... every day. It's almost a futile effort attempting to reach our own audience on their platforms.

We must continue to communicate with each other and refuse to go quietly into the night. Please help spread the word about our little corner of the web... while we still have time.