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Democrat Rep: Donald Trump Jr. Is Proof Mothers Should Be Allowed to Abort ‘Retarded’ Babies

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
In one of the more mind-numbingly offensive statements we've ever seen, Democratic Alabama state Rep. John Rogers suggests Donald Trump Jr. should have been aborted because he's “retarded.”

There is a lot to unpack in this incredible one-minute clip (seen below) of an interview with Rogers by WVTM-13.

Keep in mind this comes after the Democrat made statements suggesting that unwanted children should be aborted because “you kill them now or you kill them later.”

That comment served as the crux for a burgeoning feud with the President's son. Trump Jr. hammered Rogers' casual view of abortion as “stomach curling.”

This is stomach curling and makes Ralph Northam look like a moderate on abortion.

Every Democrat running for President needs to be asked where they stand on this. The extreme turn we've seen from Dems on abortion recently is truly sickening. https://t.co/KchZfqvQMK

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 1, 2019
Rogers made the pro-murder stance during debate of legislation that would halt most abortions in the state of Alabama. His rebuttal to Don Jr.'s criticism was even worse.

A ‘Good' Defense For Abortion

It's difficult to tell if Rogers is simply trying to make a joke and failing miserably because he's not that intelligent, or if he's actually just a vile and evil man speaking his mind.

Or both.

When asked to respond to Trump Jr.'s criticism, Rogers said the President's son's existence was “a very good defense” for abortion.

“His mother should have aborted him when he was born and he wouldn't have made that stupid statement, right?” the lawmaker said, seeming to find humor in his own words.

Rogers then launched into an offensive slur to describe Jr.

“He's evidently retarded. Uh, crazy,” he smirked. “Donald Trump's son, I know there's something wrong with that boy.”

Alabama State Rep. John Rogers (D) says @DonaldJTrumpJr is “proof that mothers ought to have the right to have an abortion because he is evidently retarded or crazy.” pic.twitter.com/u58bTUXlHH

— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) May 2, 2019
Don't think for a minute that Rogers is solely trying to insult Trump Jr. He actually believes that, as he refers to them – ‘retarded' babies -should be aborted.

“Some parents can't handle a child with problems,” he claimed during debate of the abortion legislation. “It could be retarded. It might have no arms and no legs.”

Wow, Just Wow

That is some next-level jackassery right there. In the span of a couple of days and just a few comments, Rogers has established that he:

  • Supports killing babies.
  • Supports killing older children.
  • Suggests the world would be a better place if the President's son had been killed.
  • Calls Trump Jr. the offensive term ‘retarded.'
  • Suggests those with disabilities should also be killed.
Hell, that's a resume even Ralph Northam and Andrew Cuomo would be proud of.

There are no recall measures in Alabama for state-level lawmakers, and Rogers isn't up for reelection until 2022. If the Democrat party had any sense whatsoever, they would force his resignation immediately.

The post Democrat Rep: Donald Trump Jr. Is Proof Mothers Should Be Allowed to Abort ‘Retarded' Babies appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/democrat-rep-donald-trump-jr-is-proof-mothers-should-be-allowed-to-abort-retarded-babies/ target=_blank >Democrat Rep: Donald Trump Jr. Is Proof Mothers Should Be Allowed to Abort ‘Retarded’ Babies</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Fart noises exiting out of his mouth. That's all. Zero substance.

Mr. Peanut head is just another big mouth pussy leftist TROLL, who is searching for someone to bust him in the nose.

Baldy should be stomped into a greasy oil stain.

This ass hat is no friendly Mr. Rogers from the neighborhood. He's just a thug from the Hood.