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Cynthia Nixon Starts Campaign Off With A Race Card, Seeks To Legalize Marijuana Because Of Racism

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Let's get this out of the way. I think marijuana should be decriminalized. We have WAY bigger fish to fry in this country, and we spend millions upon millions of dollars prosecuting and keeping people locked up for marijuana possession and consumption.

Do you know how many people we're paying to keep locked up for smoking weed?

WAY too many.

It's purely practical for me. I think our law enforcement has way bigger stuff to deal with, I think our prisons and jails are overcrowded and financially overburdened, and I think smoking marijuana is about as dangerous as drinking alcohol. If not less. So yeah. There's my take. I know for a fact not all the Chicks agree with me on this one. We're allowed to have different opinions.

Anyway… Cynthia Nixon, or “the lesbianish one from Sex and the City” is running for Governor of New York. She wants to legalize marijuana. She has very, VERY different reasoning than I do.

Basically, weed laws are racist.

According to Daily Mail:

Cynthia Nixon wants to legalize marijuana because she says it is time to stop putting black people and others of color in jail for something that is ‘effectively legal' for white New Yorkers.

The gubernatorial candidate revealed her position on Twitter on Wednesday and explained it in a string of posts as well as in a campaign video.

Nixon said that while there are ‘a lot of good reasons' to make recreational use of the drug legal, stamping out the racial disparity between the number of marijuana-related arrests which currently exists is her biggest motivator.

‘We have to stop putting people of color in jail for something that white people do with impunity.




‘The simple truth is for white people, the use of marijuana has effectively been legal for a long time.

‘Isn't it time we legalize it for everybody else?' she said.

There's a whole video about it.

So anyway, yeah. That's what her campaign's gonna look like.

Can't wait.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/11/cynthia-nixon-starts-campaign-off-with-a-race-card-seeks-to-legalize-marijuana-because-of-racism/ target=_blank >Cynthia Nixon Starts Campaign Off With A Race Card, Seeks To Legalize Marijuana Because Of Racism</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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