A video from a decade-old talk where Clarence Thomas answered a question about racism at Pepperdine University Law School is gaining attention again. Clarence is asked, “How should we best combat racism in our society, and does the court play a tangible role in that ongoing struggle?” His answer will not be popular with far-left, race-baiting ideologues.
Morgan Freeman famously remarked that the best way to end racism today would be to “stop talking about it” – and Thomas' response echoed much of the same.
“I have never understood the notion that we could continue to focus on race to get over race. I've never understood that we have to continue to identify as race conscious in order to not be race conscious,” Thomas said. He then began to talk about his experiences as the only black kid in a seminary in Savannah, Georgia, in 1965-67:
“What I found in getting along with the white classmates is to look at them not as white kids or different, but as kids. To look at people as human beings and treat them as human beings. There are good ones and bad ones, tall and short, some flawed and less flawed, but in the end they're all human beings.”
In other words: judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
Thomas blasted the idea that we can know anything about people by putting them in boxes – and it's not just the stereotypical racist who does that nowadays. How common is it to see a campus social justice warrior dismiss the opinions of someone who happens to be white or male? Extremely.
Watch the incredible clip below:
And Thomas is right. At a time where racism is less extreme than it's ever been, we talk about it the most. For example, charted below is the frequency of how often the word “racism” was used by the New York Times in the entire history of the publication. While the paper was supportive of the 1960's-era civil rights movement, three times as many articles on racism are published today than at the peak in the 60s.
Racism isn't three times as bad today as it was in the 60s – but the Times would love to give the impression that it is.
As Thomas Sowell once observed, “racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers, and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists.”
No kidding.
The post Clarence Thomas Gives Epic Answer to Question on Racism appeared first on The Political Insider.
The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/clarence-thomas-epic-answer-racism/ target=_blank >Clarence Thomas Gives Epic Answer to Question on Racism</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House
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