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CBS reporter warns Americans to expect 'surprises' from Biden at presidential debate: 'His physical performance'

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

CBS News reported on Wednesday that Americans should expect "surprises" from President Joe Biden at next week's presidential debate.

Before heading to CNN's headquarters in Atlanta for the June 27 debate, Biden will spend the next week at Camp David with his closest and most-trusted political advisers, who are planning a "robust preparation," according to CBS News senior correspondent Weijia Jiang.

'I assume he's going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. I don't want to underestimate him.'

"They are going to be mapping out everything they want to get across as they face Donald Trump," Jiang reported.

Sources who spoke to Jiang said Americans shouldn't be surprised about Biden's "messaging" at the debate. Those sources said Biden plans to boast about his "reproductive rights" agenda, his positions on "issues of democracy," and he will try to claim that he has the upper hand on the economy.

"But I'm also told that we should expect some surprises because this is such a critical performance for President Biden, not only on the content, but on his physical performance," Jiang added.

It's not clear what those "surprises" might be, especially in regard to Biden's "physical performance." Unfortunately, Jiang did not say more.

One perplexing detail about the upcoming debate is what happened when Biden's campaign won a pre-debate coin flip.

Instead of choosing to receive the final word in the debate, Biden's campaign elected to chose on which side of the stage Biden will stand. The campaign, for some reason, wants Biden to appear on the right side of the TV screen. The campaign did not explain its decision.

But it's a confusing one, nonetheless. Giving Trump the final word allows him to make a decisive and lasting impression on voters.

The debate, which CNN is hosting and moderating, will feature new rules not typical of past presidential debates. There will be no live audience, each candidate's microphone will be manually muted and unmuted, there will be commercial breaks, and neither candidate will be allowed to use pre-written notes. Those rules likely benefit Biden.

Meanwhile, Trump is not underestimating his opponent.

"I assume he's going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. I don't want to underestimate him," the former president said this week.

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The post <a href=https://www.theblaze.com/news/cbs-biden-suprises-presidential-debate target=_blank >CBS reporter warns Americans to expect 'surprises' from Biden at presidential debate: 'His physical performance'</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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