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Candace Owens Get PERSONAL APOLOGY From Head Twitter Honcho

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Candace Owens got A LOT of attention out of being name-dropped by newly red-pilled Kanye.

As you can imagine, not all of it is positive.

She's being made out to be a demented, alt-right white supremacist…

THIS despite the fact that she's a black woman who often talks about ways the black community can succeed and better itself from escaping those who want to keep it down.

Absolutely RIDICULOUS.

Never one to just sit back and let the liberals spin their nonsense, Candace hit back:

Far right? Allow me to clarify: I believe the black community can do it without hand-outs. I believe the Democrats have strapped us to our past to prevent us from our futures. And I won't stop fighting until all black Americans see that.
I'm not far right—I'm free. pic.twitter.com/wtqCuYPtM2

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 21, 2018

AWESOME. A completely PERFECT response!

Is there ANY question as to why I'm such a HUGE fan of hers?

It was SO good, in fact, that it warranted an apology… from the CEO of Twitter himself.

Hi Candace. I want to apologize for our labeling you “far right.” Team completed a full review of how this was published and why we corrected far too late (12 hrs after). There was a clear break in our curation process and understanding, and we're fixing. Thanks for calling out.

— jack (@jack) April 27, 2018

Wow… ok. That's a start.

Nevermind all of the OTHER people you're censoring… buuuuut as I said…it is a start. I suppose.

Candace's response was as classy as you'd expect it to be:

Thank you, Jack! I fully accept your apology. It's important that despite political differences, we remember the human beings whose lives we impact. Perhaps the other platforms that ran away with this vicious smear, will follow your lead and right this wrong.
Thank you again. https://t.co/FvfTxapp6R

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 27, 2018

Wishful thinking on her part, but a lovely sentiment nonetheless.

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/27/candace-owens-get-personal-apology-from-head-twitter-honcho/ target=_blank >Candace Owens Get PERSONAL APOLOGY From Head Twitter Honcho</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
How refreshing! We need millions of blacks to wake up to the lies of the democrat party.

Every inner city in ruin is controlled by the left, and yet, they still vote for this despicable party.