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Burgum: ‘They Should Build A Statue Of Donald Trump At Georgia Tech’

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum said during an interview over the weekend that former President Donald Trump’s victory over President Joe Biden in 2024’s first presidential debate was “like a Rocky knockout.”

Burgum made the remarks during a Sunday NBC News interview with Kristen Welker on “Meet The Press” while talking about the fallout from the debate.

“This is the most consequential, historic debate in history, because we’ve never had a debate where, immediately after it’s over — this is like a Rocky knockout,” he said. “I mean, they should build a statue of Donald Trump at Georgia Tech, because everyone’s talking about, ‘Should Joe Biden even stay in the race?’ That’s never happened in our history. It was such a dominant performance by President Trump in this debate.”

Burgum said that “the biggest lie that has been foisted on the American public” is the media covering for Biden.

“People can’t unsee what they saw,” he said. “What they saw was, we’ve been told by the White House — two weeks ago, the White House was attacking journalists, including your friends, saying that, ‘No, you can’t say these stories about that, Joe Biden isn’t capable of serving right now.’ And then, all of America saw it. And you know who else saw it? Our adversaries saw it. Putin saw it. Xi saw it. The Ayatollah saw it.”


This was the most consequential debate in history. It was like a Rocky knockout. They should build a statue to Donald Trump at Georgia Tech. Everyone’s talking about whether Joe Biden should even stay in the race! That’s never happened in our history. It was such a dominant… pic.twitter.com/lYrYrDVSSd

— Doug Burgum (@DougBurgum) June 30, 2024
The post <a href=https://www.dailywire.com/news/burgum-they-should-build-a-statue-of-donald-trump-at-georgia-tech target=_blank >Burgum: ‘They Should Build A Statue Of Donald Trump At Georgia Tech’</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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