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  1. Kardar2


    I also think there will be a lot of joe the plumber running for office
  2. Kardar2


    Well it looks like the USS Democrats ship is finally taking on water and by the time 2020 rolls around I don’t there will not be any survivors to take on Trump which leaves 2024 election. The Dems will surly have do some serious soul searching to get a candate. Up on the stage. Well with...
  3. Kardar2

    We need more like this guy

    Very good speech
  4. Kardar2

    Do you know a protester?

  5. Kardar2

    BET Founder Praises Trump Economy: ‘Bringing Black Workers Back Into the Labor Force’

    It would be wise for trump to offer him to the White House . That would be a thumb in the eye
  6. Kardar2

    Boulder Colorado Commie Rat Council Gun Grabber Tyrants.

    Yep we have all the 1960’s rejects and Jane Fonda’s
  7. Kardar2

    State of JEFFERSON

    The program is archived so you can listen when ever you like
  8. Kardar2

    State of JEFFERSON

    Good morning all, I live in Northern California and we have been trying to make a new51st state that would be 58 th state for Obama LOL . We are tied up in the Federal courts right now. We should be making head way through the courts really soon. The northern part is pretty conservative and we...
  9. Kardar2


    LOL yep the cursor would not match up with the line that I was typing on. Glad I found this forum
  10. Kardar2


    Hello All, After watching the Breitbart Townhall the other night I have decided to deleted my Facebook account and as soon as I can find a email provider other than Google ( gmail) I will delete my google account. I am no longer using Google browser either. Yes I know the horses have already...