I have done a lot of research on the World Wars and the one glaring truth I learned while doing that research is that everything I had been taught was wrong. The following is a summary of that research in the simplest terms possible. Someone once said that if you can't describe something in simple terms, you don't really understand the subject.
World War 1:
The Map of Western Europe looked very different at the start of World War 1 than it does today. For one Germany was much larger. There was also a country called Austria-Hungary that was also quite large. Just like the other countries of their time Germany and Austria-Hungary were ruled by monarchs. Germany was a very powerful country militarily and was the closest of allies with Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungry was like Germany's retarded brother and Germany was honor bound to defend and support her neighbor.
A member of the royal family and his wife were murdered and there must be a price to be paid for such an act so Austria-Hungry went to war and, Austria-Hungary's dutiful big brother came to the retards defense.
Most Western European countries of the day were heavily involved in colonization across the globe and they were in competition with each other. France and England had become weary of Germany's growing power and saw Germany's involvement in the Austria-Hungary war as an opportunity to put Germany in its place and achieve something they referred to as the balance of power and both declared war on Germany. Russia also got involved in the war so Germany and Austria-Hungary were getting it from both sides.
Even though Germany was being attacked on both sides they were winning handily. The King (Kaiser) of Germany realized this and, having no interest in actually conquering Europe (which would have been the practice at any other time in history), the King of Germany offered England a peace treaty in which everything would have returned to the way it had begun prior to the war as if nothing had happened. A more than generous proposition. France had already lost by this point and in Russia, the Czar of Russia and his family were being murdered as the Jewish Communists took control of that country.
The King of Germany had been very good to the Jews who lived there and their banks thrived. When it was clear that Germany would win the war Jewish owned German banks, as well as Jewish owned banks from other European nations, approached England with promises to get America into the war on England's side and to finance England's war effort. It was that or peace so of course the British chose the money and the victory and the Balfour Declaration came to pass. It must be noted that at the time of the Balfour Declaration (1917) England had yet to take possession of Palestine.
The American people were completely against getting involved in the European theater. To get America involved Americans had to be convinced that going to war halfway across the ocean was in their interests. A false flag incident had to be created and the passenger-liner Lusitania was chosen to carry civilians and illegal munitions without military escort through the war zone with predictable results. Records show that approximately 150 Americans died on a British passenger ship and America with a little help from the news media was ready to go to war. At the time like today most of the news media was run by Jews who literally accused German soldiers of throwing babies into the air, catching them on their bayonets and eating them more or less alive.
The war raged on for 6 years and the “Allied” forces were never able to invade Germany itself. The war was locked in a stalemate with men dying by the thousands in the most horrible of ways (mustard gas) with neither side making any real progress. To emphasize this point there is a story about a time during that war on a Christmas Day in which both sides stopped fighting each other and played soccer before going back and shooting each other again the next day.
At some point, the King of Germany had enough. Clearly, the thought of his countrymen dying for nothing weighed heavily on him. He decided to attain peace by making the personal sacrifice of abdicating his throne however as soon as he did the “Allies”, but especially the French, took full advantage and between them, they carved Germany and Austria-Hungary up and looted the country. France continued to drain the countries natural resources for years and Germany was not allowed to have sufficient military to defend itself. Most historians believe that this act of betrayal and oppression is what led to the second world war.
Post War Germany:
When the Jews took over much of the German government after WWI it became clear to most Germans what had happened to them. The same people who had snatched either victory or acceptable peace from them were now running their country and those people were like Blacks in a riot taking everything they could. The capital city of Berlin was turned into Sodom and Gomorrah a place where the most deprived sexual experiences were but a moment away. A place popular among the artists of Europe for its depravity.
Within the rest of Germany people, women, children, entire families were literally starving to death in the streets. Mothers and young daughters having to rent themselves for sexual favors just for a crust of bread. When I was in public school I was taught that at that time it took an entire wheelbarrow full of German dollars to by one loaf of bread and I remember thinking how that was impossible …. but it was in fact true.
Along came a failed artist and war hero who was furious at what he saw unfolding and wanted to do something about it. He wanted to make things right and in that quest to make his country great again it was discovered that he was good at giving speeches and motivating others. It time and through many hardships, he was elected Chancellor and by hook or by crook removed the Jews from power in Germany (see Reichstag's burning).
After Adolf's Hitler's rise to power Germany finally began to recover economically from being looted and within 6 short years became Western Europe's biggest economic powerhouse. In fact, while Germany's economy was booming (National Socialism), America and Western Europe were in the middle of the Great Depression.
What Germany had done was bypass the banks and investment markets and were dealing with other countries directly and bartering for what they wanted/needed. This, of course, did not please the Jews any more than Germans retaking their own country pleased the Jews so in 1933 International Jewry declared an economic war against Germany which they repeated in 1939 doing everything they could to thwart Germany economically to no avail. While this was going on Communist Russia was busy troop building with an eye on Western Europe and communist Jews were all over Germany trying to convert the people.
World War II:
Poland, a state which did not exist at the outbreak of WWI, was the catalyst that began WWII. Much of Germany had gone to create the country of Poland and of course, there were Germans who lived and had homes and businesses on this land. The Polish people and government were not good to the Germans and reports of house burning, beatings, rapes of women and children, and murder were rampant. Germany sought relief from The League of Nations on several occasions only to be ignored over and over again. Germany had also been split in two with Poland in the middle and Poland was making it impossible for Germans to travel back and forth between the two lands. Finally, Poland tried to get France (who declined) to join them in invading Germany and splitting it down the middle half going to France and the other half going to Poland. Someone or some group was also passing maps around Germany showing half of what was left of Germany as Poland.
As soon as Germany invaded Poland France and England both declared war on Germany.
Like America did to people of Oriental backgrounds, Germany rounded up potential enemies, communists, Jews, Gypsies, and others placing them in detainment facilities. At these facilities, the detainees led fairly normal lives with jobs, daycare centers, medical facilities run by the detainees themselves, soccer fields and at Auschwitz an Olympic sized swimming pool and a grand piano for daycare and drama plays and such.
Germany ran through most of Europe like a hot knife through butter but his biggest mistake was Hitler's soft spot for England. Both countries have many of the same ancestors and when it came to royalty we're talking cousins. Hitler allowed the British to escape to their island and he was reluctant to bomb England as he was still holding out hope for peace. Churchill, however, had other plans and began targeting civilians which caused Germany to retaliate in kind but even in retaliation Germany never did to English cities what was done to them. History tells us of the atrocity of Dresden (Churchill planned that attack for 3 years) but at least a half a dozen other German cities suffered the same fate, total incineration.
Adolf Hitler hated communists with a passion. He knew that they were building the worlds most advanced tanks the T-34, and his association with Stalin at the start of the war was an association of convenience. It was later shown that Stalin indeed had eyes for Western European and planned to invade as soon as he determined both sides had sufficiently exhausted each other. When German forces attacked Russian forces it could not have been a more opportune moment as the majority of Russia's offense was in a position to attack but logistics and defensive troops were not yet in place. This turned into a double-edged sword as the German army moved into Russia much faster than expected once they overcame the Russian tanks and they were not prepared for that outcome.
On the other side of the pond, Roosevelt wanted desperately to get into the war. The Depression had taken its toll and there didn't seem to be any way out. Another U.S. victory would also enshrine his presidency. However, the American people wanted none of it. Many suspected the truth of how America got into the Great War and most Americans thought Germany got a raw deal and weren't that keen on either France or England since both of those countries had declared war on Germany again, Americans didn't want anything to do with it. So Roosevelt started prodding Germany's ally Japan. Trade embargoes on a nation with no natural resources can only end up in one way. There is a significant amount of evidence that suggests that the Japanese fleet had been spotted and that Roosevelt knew they were coming and did nothing to stop them because he needed them to attack the U.S. as an excuse for America to get involved in the European theater.
According to the International Red Cross, roughly 500,000 souls died in all German detainment facilities combined. The leading cause of these deaths was determined to be the typhus plague carried by lice, fleas and ticks. The International Jewish Encyclopedia/Almanac seems to confirm this as no significant loss of Jewish life is recorded in their census. It should be noted that 6 million would have been roughly 1/3 of the worlds entire Jewish population at that time.
The claim is that Adolf Hitler and his wife/girlfriend Ava Braun committed suicide in a bunker in Berlin is highly unlikely. Adolf Hitler was greatly loved by his people and especially those closest to him. I do not believe that they would have allowed him to do such a thing and if pressed it would be more likely that his followers would have knocked him out with some kind of sedative or convinced him to fight for another day. There is much evidence that suggests he escaped to Argentina which seems much more likely. It should be noted at the end that Hitler's bunker was defended by a group of French SS soldiers.
At the end of the war, the atrocities that befell the German people were unspeakable. Many of the women and children were raped and torn apart. German men were shipped off as slaves to other lands never to be seen or heard from again. In the Rhineland, Eisenhower flouted international law and reclassified his German prisoners so they could be abused. Left in open fields exposed to the elements without sufficient food and water many died. Estimates go as high as a million prisoners who perished in what is now often referred to as the Rhineland Death Camps under the control of the U.S. military.
Not long after the war ended in the European theater civilians were once again targeted as the United States dropped 2 nuclear weapons on 2 separate Japanese cities.
The war ended and for the next infinity, we have been demonizing the Germans every day of our lives.
And we wonder what could have destroyed Germany's will to survive.
The post What Really Happened to Germany appeared first on iPatriot.
The post <a href=https://ipatriot.com/what-really-happened-to-germany/ target=_blank >What Really Happened to Germany</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House
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