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Bernie Sanders Celebrates Tax Day By Vowing to Raise Taxes

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Being it's tax day, you're likely in the process of opening up that bulk-size tub of Vaseline you bought at Costco and spreading your cheeks wide for Uncle Sam. There's no way around it, taxation is financial rape. Non-leftists are always seeking to cut taxes down to a more reasonable level to give your hiney-hole some relief. Not Bernie Sanders, though.

He thinks Sammy isn't violating you hard enough, and he's vowing to change that:

Today on #TaxDay Americans around the country are standing up against a Republican tax plan that looks out for the ultra-wealthy while leaving working families behind. pic.twitter.com/l7vSpMP2f9

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) April 17, 2018

Our job is not only to repeal the tax breaks that went to the large corporations and the wealthy. Our job is to transform our national priorities. Our job is to say that instead of giving tax breaks to billionaires, we're going to raise the amount of money that seniors on Social Security get.

Our job is to say that instead of allowing corporations to place their money in the Cayman Islands and not pay a nickel in federal taxes, we're gonna rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and make sure that every kid in this country, regardless of income, can get the college education that he or she needs.

So of all the absurd things that the right-wing Republican leadership has done, I would say this ranks close to the top.

Yeah, letting people keep the money they earn is just insane.

Here's another crazy thought for Bern. Maybe those people wouldn't be so disenfranchised if the government wasn't taking all their money in the first place. It's kinda hard to get by when the IRS is bending you over for fifteen cents of every dollar you make. On top of your home state's income taxes. Sales taxes. Property taxes. Yet, Bernie still thinks you're not paying your “fair share.”

A disheveled socialist buttmunch like Bernie Sanders takes a look at all the progress we've made since passing the tax cuts and wants to wash it all away. Because actual progress isn't what he wants. It's all about having control. Bernie wants to raise taxes so he can make your money his, plain and simple.

Take my advice, don't give it to him.

While we're on the subject:


The post <a href=https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/bernie-sanders-vows-raise-taxes/ target=_blank >Bernie Sanders Celebrates Tax Day By Vowing to Raise Taxes</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
A disheveled socialist buttmunch like Bernie Sanders
Agreed. He looks like a used Q-Tip freshly pulled out of an ear canal.

Just seeing him alone - can imagine he has stale, heavy odorous coffee breath.

Bernie wants to raise taxes so he can make your money his, plain and simple.
Take my advice, don't give it to him.
The only thing he and Pelosi deserves, is a swift kick in the rear with size 13 steel-toed boots. Bernie can have that if he wants.
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