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Parent Outraged Over ‘White Privilege’ Paper Sent Home With Her Second Grader

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
I swear this is the norm now. Schools are nothing more than indoctrination centers. You might think your kid is fine until middle school, but you're wrong. “Progressives” are constantly pushing the envelope. We now have to worry about this kind of stuff infiltrating our elementary schools.

Here's another example. A mother of a second grader at Hunter Magnet Elementary is outraged over a paper given to her son, explaining “white privilege.”

Amber Pabon said the two-sided sheet was in his folder when he came home last month.

On one side, it discusses white representation in government, the military, media, and education. On the other, it lists examples of white privilege in society.

It's never too early to start the brainwashing– IIIIIIII mean, the “education process.”

“I think the message itself is inappropriate because yes there is racism out here, and they need to learn about it. But let the parents do that,” Pabon said. “Because like I said, if she's teaching him the way she knows, it could be completely different from the way I know. And me being part of the black community, I know different from how the white community sees it.”

Pabon said she believes the content is also not proper for such a young child.

“He's 8 years old. What does he need to know about racism or white privilege?” Pabon asked.

By the way, they didn't even run this by parents beforehand.

The sheet is titled “Step 3: (Begin to) Understand the Concept of White Privilege.” Pabon said she did not receive any previous steps or forms about the topic.

In a brief note at the top of the sheet, it notes that this is part of an initiative led by the school's PTA Advocacy Team.

It states that the initiative is “focusing on generating awareness and empathy to create a safe and equitable Hunter Community.”

In other words, make the white kids start loathing themselves as early as possible.

However, officials say this is aimed toward the PARENTS– not the students. As if that makes it any better. Now they feel the need to lecture parents. Can you even?

Pabon alleged the information was taught in the classroom. According to a district spokesperson, the information is not part of the school's curriculum, and the sheets are handled by the school's PTA.

Off-camera, multiple members of the school's PTA emphasized the content is aimed at parents, not students.

You can opt out of the program, and she did. Who can blame her?

There you have it. Further evidence that education in America is a SJW dream (and everyone else's nightmare).

h/t ABC 11

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/04/parent-outraged-over-white-privilege-paper-sent-home-with-her-second-grader/ target=_blank >Parent Outraged Over ‘White Privilege’ Paper Sent Home With Her Second Grader</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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New Member
Mar 17, 2018
It is no longer enough to simply 'opt out'. Just think for a moment how this child will be treated because his mommy said he had to leave while this was being discussed. Come on parents, these are YOUR children, YOUR responsibility. Our culture will never be healed unless we remove the infection. Do what is necessary or your child will pay an awful price for your cowardice. This stuff really gets me. I had to erase most of my screed. This is the polite version.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
This stuff really gets me. I had to erase most of my screed. This is the polite version.
Can't blame you one bit. Been spitting sulfuric hell fire and brimstone for the last couple of days myself.
(Not just because of this story alone, but a combination of others. They just keep piling up and getting worse day-by-day).

At times we just have to turn all this crap off. Ignore it all for a day or two.. rest up from all of this negative bullshit.
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