As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For some reason, that nasty police state regime pimp, Mark Zuckerberg, thought that after treating people like shit for decades, terrorizing them on Facebook, being an asshole for Obama in taking a fortune in NSA funds, that if he looked like a creepy pedophile who fondles the neighborhood kids would endear him to Americans, and not get Facebook seized and his ass dumped into a pound his ass prison for life.
The stats below explain it all. Liberals for some reason loathe Zuckerberg more than Normal People.
But Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder, is more universally disliked, though he draws more ire from the left-leaning demographic. While 60% of Republican and Republican-leaning respondents hold an unfavorable view of Zuckerberg, 76% of their Democratic counterparts share that sentiment.
So, while Zuck may be playing the part of the cool guy, Americans haven’t been fooled by his gold chains or musical ambitions, it seems.
I never have quite understood why old geezers think that getting permie hairdos and putting on jewelry will somehow hide the disgusting sight of saggy ass jowls and crow tracks and skin that looks like it came out of the morgue.
That is Mark Zuckerberg, a clone of that creepy Bill Gates and it looks like that odd Alex Soros was grown from some kind of scrotum sample of Zuckerberg is of that weird class of humans that you naturally just cringe at. There is just something about them that instinctively everyone says, ” Having sex with that thing will destroy all humankind.
I was looking at the above numbers and as the world is shifting now to new economics and spheres of influence, maybe it is time in some Natural Selection, that humans can do something about these repulsive wetwares.
Maybe we can have thresholds. You know like if 60% of the people are put off by someone…….then the Government goes in and sterilizes them so they do not breed. As the numbers go up, there are more societal safeguards. When you get to Zuckeberg’s numbers, it would be something like chemical castration, having to wear a bag over his head in public, chaining him in some basement and getting him a worm for a pet, as no animals would want to be around him
You get beyond Zuckerberg and that is pretty much a level that we know the Chinagal that Zuckerberg is a Chicom agent as now woman is ever going to want something like this weirdo between their legs unless under orders, that we banish them from the planet. Elon Musk has ideas about Mars, so it would seem a benefit of society to ship all the Zuckerbergs off to Mars to, serve a purpose like finding out if there are things on Mars that kill humans or that humans need some kind of Earth protection so they do not get cooked by the sun. This would help society and the future of people and there is no need to, well waste Black people on these experiments as some of them are not Birther Obama or Big Mike.
I would be allot more supportive of this fuckhead if he had not held my Facebook account in limbo, denying my public from contacting me, and the money I lost from this terrorism, as Facebook keeps emailing me notices of people posting on my page. As it is, my righteous Judgement is Mark Zuckerberg owes me like 100 million dollars for stress and struggle, and just because he is a fuckhead. Fuckheads should have to pay more than regular pricks. As it is, I look at Mark Zuckerberg and am delighted that without Jesus, he is wearing away to a disgusting old age. Soon he will smell like an old geezer. He will repeat the same stories and tell everyone how much fun he had in the glory days of school. Oatmeal, drooling and prunes.
So for those people who do not want to sentence a poor earth worm to being stuck with Mark Zuckerberg, the people have it in their democracy power to elevate the disgust level of Mark Zuckerberg where we can see about Elon Musk going DOGE and shipping Mark Zuckerberg off to Mars, without the worm.
80% gets you a free trip to Mars. That is just 4%. Zuckerberg should hit that when it comes out about his secret Obama government files.
Nuff Said