The brewing discord within the Democratic Party might be enjoyable for those on the right to witness, but for leftist leaders like Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the political civil war could pose an existential threat to their extreme agenda.

During a recent interview, Sanders seemed to embody the dysfunction on the left in the era of President Donald Trump’s second term.

Despite taking a series of predictably easy questions from ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, the Vermont senator cut the segment short when asked about the discord on his side of the aisle — and the political prospects of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), in particular.

As Breitbart reported:

KARL: Would you like to see her join you in the Senate?

SANDERS: I – right now we have, as I said, just a whole lot of people in the Congress. OK, Jonathan, thanks.

KARL: Wait, I got one more – I got one more. This is an important –

SANDERS: No, I asked you –


SANDERS: No, you want to do nonsense. Do nonsense.


SANDERS: I don’t want to talk about inside the beltway stuff. I got 32,000 people –

KARL: I was just asking you about AOC because she was out there with you.

Of course, Karl’s line of questioning is completely understandable given the amount of attention Ocasio-Cortez has received in recent days for taking on Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) after he backed a continuing resolution supported by GOP lawmakers and the Trump White House.

Regardless of which faction emerges as the winner of this intraparty battle, it looks like Democrats as a whole might lose the war.

Poll after poll has shown a downward trend in the party’s approval rating, as leftist comedian Bill Maher recently warned.

Per the New York Post:

“Real Time” host Bill Maher warned Democrats that their party may face the same fate as the Whigs if they don’t embrace deregulation.

During Friday’s panel discussion, Maher sounded the alarm on the NBC poll that showed Democrats had only a 27% approval rating, a record low for the party.

“I’ve never seen one this bad,” Maher reacted.

Maher later cited the American Redistricting Project, which projected that Democrats will lose congressional seats in California, New York, Illinois, Minnesota, Rhode Island and Oregon by 2030 while Republicans will gain seats in Texas, Florida, Idaho and Utah.

“I mean, this looks like game over. And the reason why people are voting with their feet is a lot of what your book is about: taxes and regulation,” Maher said to New York Times columnist and “Abundance” co-author Ezra Klein. “I’ve certainly been screaming about it forever. I did three years with a sign here that said, ‘How long is it gonna take me to get my solar hooked up? Three years. Talking about it on television in this state, you couldn’t do it!”

Here’s what NBC News had to say about the trend last week:

And here’s a relevant clip from the recent Sanders interview:

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