The following article, Will Black Men Tolerate This Insult from Kamala Harris?, was first published on The Black Sphere.

Who is running the Harris-Walz campaign? Because if I had to guess, I’d say a 13 year-old white girl.

Kamala Harris’ campaign is watching voters jump ship reminiscent of the Titanic. I don’t know if I’ve even seen a campaign fall apart so fast. But then again, when you build a straw house, you must expect the big bad golden-maned wolf to blow it down.

While Harris shows multiple points of damage, she’s been especially impacted by the Black vote in general, and specifically the Black male vote.

Recently, to shore up this formerly loyal base Harris enlisted Barack Obama. I wrote about this, noting that Obama speaking to Black men would be a huge mistake:

Barack Obama is a political has-been. And that’s why I’m always perplexed when people try to make him into a shot-caller.

Barack Obama doesn’t call the shots in his own home. We all know that Michelle is the man of the Obama household, and I’m not referencing the “Mike” rumors.

Barack is a metrosexual, bisexual man who married a stone-cold sista to give him street cred for his political career. On that note, he succeeded. Michelle played her role well, but the two run on parallel paths outside of politics.

Interestingly, Kamala Harris invoked her girlfriend Barack to help her campaign, and not Michelle. Hmm.

Regardless of which Obama Harris picked, they can’t save her. No matter, Barack got the call to rescue Harris from Hurricane Trump. But things haven’t gone well.

I was right. Obama moved the needle: in the wrong direction.

So Harris apparently adopted a new strategy to appeal to Black men. She’s using Black women.

Check out this campaign ad:

Optics much?

The first question they ask the man is, “What do you do, and how much do you make?” And of all the Black women there, they have the light-skinned Black chick do the dirty work?

Next, a woman asks, “How tall are you?”

What? The guy is obvious tall, but he answers, “Six-Five!”

Clearly the guy is tall, thus no need to ask such a stupid question? Was she recruiting for coed basketball team? And what if he were 6’2″? Why should his height matter anyway? What if the dude is a 6’5″ abuser?

“He beats the crap out of me, but he so tall!”

Who wrote this sh*t?! LOL

This idiotic Harris spot demeans Black women, showing them as superficial and trifling. But it didn’t stop there.

Next question. “Do you work out?”

Check out that big-boned heifer who asked the question. It would not have been rude for the man to ask, “Do you?!”

The man looked healthy, though not overly fit. He looked regular. And again, the nerve of the fattest chick making the inquiry. I understand that if fitness is part of your lifestyle, then ask about, in say the third date or by inviting him to work out with you.

Finally, they ask the man if he’s going to vote. He answers, “I didn’t plan on it.”

At this point the women lose interest and pop their balloons. Because as every Black man knows, gold diggers are very concerned about how their sugar daddies vote.

Does Harris really want to encourage Black men to vote?


Given the polls, I suggest that Harris not encourage Black men to vote, because it might not go her way. And certainly after the chiding from Obama and this trainwreck of a campaign commercial I don’t expect things to change. I stand by my prediction that things can and will get worse for Harris.







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