It’s unfathomable how New York Governor Kathy Hochul can oversee one of the worst subway crime epidemics in state history and call that progress. However, she thinks murders being up by 200% is enough of a reason to claim “overall crime is down.”

Watch her become dumbfounded when a reporter actually calls out her crap.

She is so pathetic she could not even come up with a response. And you know she’s lying because rather than deny it, she tries to dance around the question by changing the subject.

Her response was to ask a dumb question, that was literally the best she could do.

“BuT lIkE iN tHe CiTy?!?!?” No Hochul, on the transit system, you imbecile.

But to be fair, these people are not used to reporters calling them out on their crap, which is why she did not come prepared.

That said, this is what Progressives do; they misinterpret numbers and statistics and claim everything is better than ever. Additionally, for her to claim that crime is down makes no sense because it’s not like the state is full of prosecutors actually prosecuting crime. So while she states “overall crime is down,” what she really means to say is that “New York no longer upholds law and order.”

The fact that the state is filled with soft-on-crime prosecutors and murders are still up by over 200% speaks volumes to their disaster leadership.

She could have just said nothing and not held her wittle press conference but she chose to gaslight the masses into believing you are safe to go about your everyday life when in reality, your chance of becoming the victim of murder is up by over 200%.

– YouTube

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