Peter Arenella, a professor of criminal law at University of California Los Angeles, is now openly calling for a military coup against the president.

In a post on X, Arenella said that he hopes for a “violent resistance by our military.”


Apparently, he sees a coup as the only way to stop the U.S. from allying with Russia.

In a follow-up post, Arenella claimed that “we will get what we deserve” for re-electing President Trump and giving him “a second chance to destroy our democracy.”

The TDS is strong with this one.

Here are the two posts:

In case it gets deleted, here’s a backup:


There are so many issues with this post.

But the most glaring one is the fact that this professor is calling for a military coup in one sentence, then a couple sentences later wanting to preserve “democracy.”

The last time I checked, military coups weren’t very democratic…

Trending Politics reporter Peter Arenella noted that Peter Arenella used to work as an ABC News legal analyst during the OJ Simpson trial:

Here’s what his bio on the UCLA website says:

Peter Arenella teaches Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and seminars on moral agency and criminal law excuse theory. In 1999 he received the School of Law’s Rutter Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is a nationally recognized criminal law and procedure scholar, writing about the relationship between criminal and moral responsibility by exploring competing conceptions of criminal culpability and moral agency at work in immaturity and mental disability defenses (e.g., insanity, diminished capacity, mental retardation). His moral agency work in philosophical and legal journals has generated considerable commentary and is frequently cited in ongoing debates about the justifications for criminal punishment. He has also written extensively on the privilege against self incrimination and grand jury practices.

Professor Arenella clerked for the Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and practiced criminal law as both a public defender and private counsel. He then taught at Rutgers, the University of Pennsylvania, and Boston University, where he won that university’s prize for excellence in teaching.

State and federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have cited Professor Arenella’s articles, and congressional committees have sought his advice and testimony. He gives annual lectures on Supreme Court decisions to federal and state appellate judges and speaks regularly on criminal law issues to civic groups, attorneys, judges, law faculty, and students across the country. He has worked as a legal consultant for ABC News, National Public Radio, and in Los Angeles KNX radio and KTLA Channel 5, and he achieved national prominence for his media commentary on the O.J. Simpson and other trials. He is a fanatical Boston Red Sox fan.

For all his credentials, you’d think this law professor would know that calling for a military insurrection against the sitting president is treason…

This Navy veteran schooled Professor Arenella on the definition of treason and his hypocrisy:

Full text of that response:

Question for you. Did you raise hell when OBAMA fired OVER 200 Military high ranking people when he came into office? Or did you approve of his firing highly qualified people just because they voted Republican? Because he did. Comical you’re a professor of law, because the law that you’re talking about is literally overthrowing militarily the duly elected President of the United States by force. That qualifies as TREASON under the Constitution of the United States and since you’re the one calling for it, that means you’re eligible for punishment under the Constitution for the crime of Treason. I would suggest you update your beneficiaries, make sure you have a will, though your family will be denied anything you leave them when you are punished, and I would personally love to see you arrested, charged, tried, and then appropriately dealt with in a manner prescribed for TREASON. Michael Murdock, US Navy Veteran

end of line

He might not be a professor much longer.

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